Anonymous ID: 3a8a40 Jan. 21, 2021, 3:46 p.m. No.12657275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7498



I collected some notes from LB


Notables are not endorsements



>>12656411 3-year Delta - 12 posts made on 1-21-2018

>>12656420 And the mirror, Read it Bitches 4831

>>12656429 The Mickey Clock Drop 4730

>>12656412, >>12656456, >>12656560, >>12656551, >>12656982 President Biden Delivers Remarks and Signs Executive Orders: Pol discover fuckin weird Biden audio! Starts at 1:16:37

>>12656461, >>12656424 Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 1 21 21

>>12656484 South Carolina attorney Butch Bowers has been named as Donald Trump’s impeachment lawyer.

>>12656488 Just got a letter in the mail from the Republican National Committe, asking me for $30 and they are using President Trumps picture to do it!

>>12656490, >>12656763 Man Convicted of Multiple Obscenity Crimes Involving Children

>>12656512 @CBS_Herridge: NEW: Bill Evanina, head National Counter Intelligence + Security Center @NCSCgov has “departed” the job

>>12656568 Man charged over alleged online grooming of teenage girl

>>12656580 OTD 2011, Glenn Shriver was sentenced to 48 months for conspiring to provide national defense info to China.

>>12656591, >>12656622, >>12656668 Planefag Reports

>>12656713 Mitch McConnell, Wife Elaine Chao Financially Tied To Chinese Government

>>12656756 “Come On! Give Me a Break, Man!” – Biden Struggles Through Covid Presser, Snubs Reporter… And It’s Only His First Full Day in Office (VIDEO)

>>12656790 Head of U.S. Catholic Bishops Rebukes Joe Biden's Policies Advancing 'Moral Evils'

>>12656801, >>12656847 “He Was Celebrating… We Have Bigger Issues to Worry About” – WH Press Sec When Asked Why Joe Biden Violated His Own Mask Mandate (VIDEO)

>>12656819, >>12657076 Twitter Sued By Minor Allegedly Trafficked On The Platform

>>12656834 Israel to name Train stop at Temple Mount after Trump

>>12656919 Lindsey Graham: I completely support the process laid out by Leader McConnell regarding the upcoming impeachment trial

>>12656936 Sen. Ted Cruz Wears ‘Come and Take It’ Mask to Biden’s Inauguration

>>12656953 Biden to keep Christopher Wray as FBI director

>>12656993 Donald Trump Jr.: Getting back into wars on the first full day

#16159 Posted in #16160