(LB) Never give up - never surrender!
So, from what seemed to happen, if the suggestions that have flown around since the 20th are correct….
Arrests were set for the 20th.
Dems/DS use a last-ditch effort to remain in power:
–CCP sends "cargo" ships full of containers equipped with missiles and perhaps troops. The ones they "offered" to send to DC.
The ships set off the West coast. If the arrests take place CCP sends a volley of missiles devastating LA.
Did DJT have the opportunity to conduct the arrests prior to the inauguration and broadcasted a pre-recorded fake inauguration to make CCP believe Biden was sworn in?
To expand:
Q has shown full fore knowledge of EVERYTHING that was going to happen, to the point of being mathematically impossible and the idea Q is a time traveler. So, if this is true, then Q would have already known about the CCP plan and prepared for it.
So friends. Over the past 4 years we have been shown that Q knew more than anyone could possible have known. Going beyond a MIL OP and bordering on omniscience. Q has shown foresight of things impossible to have known, anons have received personal confirmations that NO ONE should have been able to provide. 4 years of proof after proof of unwavering precision and winning.
So, how can we possible believe Q was a larp? How can we possibly believe Q ever lost?
Winning is the only way.