who is running the populist.press website that published the fake new Reuters story about 'Qanon being an FBI psyop'?
is Bannon running populist.press?
longer when 8chan went down I think
Firefox still works
it's probably the domain name server of your ISP that's blocking 8kun
I'm starting to have doubts about Raheem Kassam that's on Bannon too, he's been pilling on Q a lot latelyโฆ
Could be for optics though, eyes on him
dissenter is a fork of brave browser, for which 99% of the commits consist of replacing the 'Brave' strings in the source code by 'Dissenter', that blacklists a plugin or two, and whitelists an extension called 'dissenter', that will send home by design all the urls you visit to the home server
AKA, a spyware
Anon, Rothschild means 'Red Shield', and the emblem of the Rothschilds is a Red Shield with a square White cross on it
Same as the Switzerland flag
Israel did not exist when the Roths appeared
Amsel Rothschild, the founder of the dynasty, made tons of money arranging for hires of mercenaries
Mercenaries at the time were mostly Swiss mercenaries
The Rothschilds are part of the world TRUE aristocracy, of which Switzerland is a homebase
Israel is a smoke screen
Not saying that MOS and the chaos in the Middle East are not important tools of the Cabal
But the Cabal started a long time ago
Several layers of misdirection exist
Israel being one of them
The top of the Cabal is mostly based in Europe, current home to the Old Guard
no, it was already determined pb that real-POTUS DJT remodeled the oval office to the current state
Q said 'Save the best for last. [P]'
[P] is Payseur, at the top of the pyramid, above the Roths, Soros, the Sauds and the other top families
The 'saving Israel for last' was in response to 'What about Awan? Israel involved?'
Shills have been spinning this so far to use Israel muh-jooing as misdirection, and try to depict us in the media as rabid antisemites
[P] is at the top, for any anon that actually read the drops
no, [P] is not for President, nothing seems to go in that direction
[P] could be for Pharoh if you want, AKA King of the World, given all the Egyptian symbology used by the Cabal
well, I expanded my thinking to Pharaoh then :)