>>What firmness should anon order for someone used to memory foam pillow?
>Somewhere in here
fake… there's no sauce on this assertion
>>What firmness should anon order for someone used to memory foam pillow?
>Somewhere in here
fake… there's no sauce on this assertion
>Hillary Clinton's
Such a child-advocate HRC is… whuddathunk when one is fresh outta law school defending sex crimes
During her second year, Rodham worked at the Yale Child Study Center assisting in !!! child brain development research. !!!
Rodham worked on Democratic Senator Walter Mondale’s Subcommittee on Migrant Labor.
Rodham became an editor on the Yale Review of Law and Social Action, which was a rival of the mainstream Yale Law Review. The Yale Review of Law and Social Action took a controversial stance in favor of Black Panther activists, several of whom were on trial in New Haven for the murder of a fellow member.
After graduating with honors in 1973, Hillary Rodham completed one year of !!! post graduate work on children and medicine.!!!
Civil Rights Activism During Law School
In addition to her academic pursuits at Yale Law School, Rodham took an !!! active interest in children and child rights. !!!
After reading an article by Time Magazine contributor and civil rights attorney Marian Wright Edelman, she attended a speech that Edelman gave at the law school on the subject. Hillary approached the author and asked to work with the civil rights activist at the !!! Mrs. Edelman’s Washington Research Project — still in existence as the Children’s Defense Fund — over the summer. Edelman accepted the proposal, and after obtaining grant money, Rodham began working with the organization. !!!
MSM: call it backsliding
The overwhelming plurality of the anonymous reporting in the mainstream
press (43%) was essentially blind. It said simply sources said, or our news
organization has learned, offering no effective characterization of the source.
Less than two in ten statements (17% of the anonymously sourced
reporting) offered even the slightest hint of the source's allegiances.
The mainstream press' use of anonymous sources was not that
different than those of the tabloid press, such as Inside Edition or the
National Enquirer, though the tone of the two different kinds of media,
which is not quantified by the study, varied considerably
Project for Excellence in Journalism
~1998 Pew Research: The-Clinton-Crisis-and-the-Press-A-Second-Look
Among the findings:
• Six in ten statements from anonymous sources in the mainstream
media (59% of all anonymously sourced reporting) were characterized
in the vaguest terms, "sources said," "sources told our news
organization" or "sources familiar" with the event.
• Less than two in ten statements (17% of the anonymously sourced
reporting) offered even the slightest hint of the source's allegiances.
• Print was more forthcoming about the nature of its anonymous
sourcing than was broadcast
• The mainstream press' use of anonymous sources was not that
different than those of the tabloid press, such as Inside Edition or the
National Enquirer, though the tone of the two different kinds of media,
which is not quantified by the study, varied considerably.