Yes. The insults…
I don't know if my soul can bare the weight of your brutality.
Yes. The insults…
I don't know if my soul can bare the weight of your brutality.
The funny thing about the new baby-fucker-shill with a BA
Is that I can tell, they actually believe the things they say sometimes.
Like this shit about trying to talk about God, but pretend like they are talking about the Lord, but really they are just saying science stuff with the name God to trick people.
Then they come in here and try to be educational to everyone about ego and how people should talk and need to "practice what I preach".. are you my fucking grandma.
I am gonna tear these idiot BA to hell… and I am gonna like it, cause they actually believe the nonsensical "educated" bullshit they spew here.
Hey shill. I got sauce for you. Did you know you could flip a coin and see if your spouse is having an "emotional relationship" with someone? Basically, she wants to fuck that dude from work and you know it, but she hasn't done it yet, but thinks about it all time, and could do it any day now.
You can hurt there real life feelings if you know how. Best way to get a shill out of it's comfort zone, get them a bit frustrated. These shills will maintain their cool.
Salaky points to research from the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, which found that about 45% of men and 35% of women have admitted to having an emotional affair. That's a lot more than the 20% of people who admit to having a physical affair.
I don't know.
Could you be more specific about this poison?
I don't think E.T. realizes that my posts are talking about poison, not literally poison.
Stupid E.T.. showcase yourself some more.
You offered me drain cleaner, paint thinner, and told me I was an egotistical 12 year old.
You are a baby-fucker-shill
She already cheated on you.
Fucking ugly piece of shit.
That's cause you are a 4 and you thought you were a 7 til she fucked the dude from work.
Guess you had a few bucks and a BA. helps a 4 turn into a 7
fucking loser.
It really is funny to me.
Like, why do people care about the "ego" of others?
You are mad that I am the best mother fucker that ever lived in the whole world and the LORD is the only God.
Say the Lord's name, declare your theology, or begone demon.
These fucking Idiots. I don't care if you don't do Christianity, but don't come in here talking about what God wants me to do or not do.
You can, if you state your theology first, otherwise I will call you what you are, liar baby-fucker-shills
Fucking dipshits
Jeez. I guess it is already baby-fucker-shill
Fucking baby-fucker-shills
If you know you got an ego.
Don't let these worthless mother fuckers tell you to shutup.
It is a way to stifle your personal development and individual voice.
You can't love Jesus and be angry.
They say this shit,.
Like, would the Lord like that…
What the fuck is someone that doesn't believe in the Lord, doing talking to me about what God wants or doesn't want me to do.
Fucking disgusting. You don't even believe in God.
You come in here using those words, for what…. to manipulate me?
You see, baby-fucker-shills with bachelors, they think Christians are stupid people with a moral compass and an invisible man in sky.
Don't worry anons, the baby-fucker-shills will all go to hell once their done serving their master, the flesh.
american, do jew speak it?
No. I am the driver.
You are the little jew mut that was hybridized thousands of years ago.
It is time for you to shut your fucking jew mouth. You want the oven again?
I used to make those collages.
I would make like 3 a bread at most. Oh fucking well.
The shills were so nicely asking me to please only make one per bread. It would be very "patriotic" and "anon" of me…
I been playing this shit with these idiots from the get go
I am a jew shill disinformation satanic shizo gibberish needs to GTFO and go back to reddit
yea yea yea
like filter me or shutup?
I think anons get it, it is just shills.
I don't mean shutup, but if you are just gonna call me names.. it don't work.
Nobody ever taught these people "don't feed the trolls"
This is pretty interesting.
I think some anon know this is possible, maybe not see the possibility totally though.
How far until you can print the entire organic being? It would make like transhumanism into an organic body possible. Seems.. uh, a little close for comfort.
What if we were just organic artificial intelligence? How could we know?
I was talking about it years before I saw this.
I just know RNA prints.
Need an RNA printer or some shit.
I don't know how to do that shit.
But if you can squeeze out metals and concrete from a 3D printer.
Why not cells…
Elon is on our side.
He was a Googlehead working with E.T.
and they were gonna fly away
yea. I told the story earlier.
Elon is good guy now.
I think the military told him not to fly away.
I been working on the engine.
I do believe it is ready to go America.
But Elon won't go public until everything is secure.
That device cannot fall into their hands.
You all don't know what almost happened, you will find out someday.
What am I doing now, a history LARP?
did you just tell me to have a dirty mind?
I want full credit on this unless someone can prove me otherwise.
I am the progenitor of what will now be known as the HARP.
Let me explain. I actually have a real theory. I am not joking.
If this "time" does not matter in some dimensions.
Can we HARP the past to make a reflection in the present or future?
I am serious. Can you retell history and shape the present moment?
Whatever, don't hear me out now. I am gonna HARP ya'll so bad when I figure out how to properly HARP.
I swear I walked in once on my parents and my mother was like super-woman riding my dad like a cowgirl. I can't ever forget that image.
Fucking terrifying.
But allow me to make a point.
If we are unaware or if the technology is not available to private/public institutions. How does the good not get in control?
I have this idea, that the public knowledge of technological advancements is really important to keeping them out of the bad peoples hands.
I dunno. I think there needs to be warnings on this stuff. The military is going to print soldiers. The military always does everything they can with tech. It never fails. If it exists, it will happen.
There needs to be laws.
Could someone be operating a business with organic robots?
Do they need a license?
Ever been to starbucks? Those things act like fucking robots. Kidding.
Seriously though.
Can they breed?
That would be a cyborg.
There is nothing preventing the lab in kenya from breeding cyborgs anymore than whatever else they do over their hybridizing stuff.
Yea. That is E.T. stuff.
I call my family mini-elites. They mimic the culture but aren't really elite.
But yea, I guess I think of them as mini-deep-staters!
I really think the military technology first thing has to end.
The problem is that the private corporations can develop and are developing the same technology alongside the DoD.
The DoD keeps secrets for war.
The private industry gets to "piggyback" off the technology and probably have all sorts of "science projects" going that… uh. The real nice stuff, it always sounds so good, cognitive behavioral therapy.
Okay. Pay attention here or you will miss it.
Never ever ever ever Never ever go to the The-Rapist, the therapist, especially if they do cognitive behavioral therapy. You don't want people helping you make new thought patterns. Look. It doesn't work or everyone wouldn't be depressed and heavily medicated. Mental illness is like a spiritual disease. People are depressed cause their life sucks, not cause they have some weird organic disease no one can prove exists.
Seriously. You know what. I was raised, from a child, forced psychiatric medicine, in the name of the scientific paradigm of chemical imbalance.
People don't know this, apparently, my E.T. mother just found out last week after arguing with me about it. Look. Chemical imbalance doesn't exist, look it up. It is contraversial, unproven theory but the entire psychiatric industry is founded on it….
Do you not think America, it might be time to use the news media to tell all the "mentally ill" people in America that they don't have an imaginary chemical imbalance?
Where am I
and what the fuck is this planet.
I don't know. I just think it is a good way for a doctor with no brain understanding to hack into your problem areas and accidently install their own neurotic shit.
Look a BA don't mean you can help people fix their shit, especially if you are treating an imaginary chemical imbalance.
This industry is done, the-rapist, the one that lies cause of they tell the truth, people don't pay them money. That is not therapy, that is blowing smoke up someones ass for $100 a week cause you got a degree in the mind.
What you don't see, is these people don't even know their own mind. They look at everyone else and never their own, they are sick people sometimes. Sitting there, taking notes, diagnosing diseases. Do you know anything about the DSM-VI America?
I will blow your mind if you do not know about the DSM-VI.
You like conspiracies. Here.
It is a huge scandal and very overlooked.
I wonder if it could all be connected to this cabal?
Seriously, I grabbed some random ass articles. This shit is all over the internet. Dig on the history of psychiatry and the DSM-IV (the imaginary book of diseases made up by a special council of cook doctors from a lala land field that started by giving people heroine and shit. it is a joke. a mockery of medicine and health)
Thank You. I had never seen that before.
I dunno.
I did think.
I will never do anal again.
I had trauma.
It was a birthday present from my girlfriend.
I pulled out and it was like a piece of corn on my dick but it was poop.
You know, sometimes just just kinda miss and girls freak out, like NOOO, NOT THAT HOLE.
Girl, I don't want that.
Oh god
I could go on and on
I think pussy is so gross now.
I used to be all into it, like yea, let me eat that shit.
I was so fucking proud of myself for eating pussy.
Fucking gross.
I ate this one girls pussy a few months ago, she as super hot, and I was like, I am gonna have sex with this girl, whatever, epic moment in a losers life, right.
Anyway. I find out, cause she tells me, she is a total fucking whore. Literally, she works on chaturbate and stuff. Okay.
Never again. BLAHHH
I had a girlfriend and she always joked about me licking her bloody cunt and shit. She was one of those weird liberal girls.
I gotta stop.
I could tell you fucking nasty stories about women all night.
Those creatures are nasty, just like you.
those things are men hiding in a womans body.
Oh, you wouldn't mind being gang-banged by some hot fucking girls?
Whatever you think sounds fun. So does she, she is just more constrained socially.
Alright. Your a whore. Shes a whore. Everyone is a whore without Jesus. Even with Jesus you can be a whore I guess, just don't get fucking aids>>12664552
Look. Here is a good post from the crazy dude. I moved this "hot girl" into my house. I was telling you all about it way before she moved in here. I was freaking out, like I thought I cast my Monarch magic, and it sucked in this girl and she was from "The Family".. i can tell you whatever you want to know, no dox. but yea.
#12180799 at 2020-12-26 10:26:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #15551: Out Of The Darnkess A New Son Is Born Edition
hhmm sidenote.
back like 6 months ago.
i was on tinder and met this woman
i am crazy so i think this is all related to some egregore thing. sunbeam []
i think the whole thing is qanon related.
this woman tells me she was raised in a sex cult
or that her family was "peripheral" to the main cult leadership structure.
so I am like I gotta help this person out
cause she was struggling a bit.
she ended up renting a room from me.
told me all sorts of stuff.
made me watch a documentary about "The Family"
told me about the FBI coming to their residence
and the parents instructing the kids to draw clothes onto nude bodies in kid's books after the "clamp down"
she told me about living in foreign countries in like "compounds"
and being forced to wear protest signs at embassies to support fellow church/cult members
told me about the church beliefs and how/when it became "okay" to diddle kids.
I guess they believe that the body and sex should be given freely as god's gift or something.
uh. anyway. this woman is fucked in the head from it all
she swears her parents weren't pedos.
i am all into the cult programming/deprogramming thing so i was curious if this woman is still like brainwashed.
i dunno. that sort of stuff is weird. like how do you know if someone iis brainwashed or how what if I am brainwashed?
how would I know I am brainwashed, that is the nature of brainwashing.
she comes in my living room in the morning and sings songs about jesus and livingi in the 5th dimension and shit.
tells me they are cult songs.
says they lived in weird geometric structures sometimes.
always with multiple families
and had to follow the "church rules"
guess her dad had to spanlk her once because the church told him to… i dunno, sort of irrelevant.
I just thought I would share my experience.
kinda random and borderline interesting in the middle of the night.
she says she was "born with the gift of discernment" and always knew better than top believe all the crap
but isn't that what a brainwashed person would stay?
Take everything I have told you, erase it, turn it into a fairy tale, judge the merit of my argument here, allow it to replace my identity. I am no longer all those characters. Judge me here. As if you had never met me.
Hey. I think I have some people's attention.
I am going to show you a conspiracy.
If you know what it is, great, maybe I will give a new outlook.
I do a lot of shit. This is important. It is real, and factual and stuff. I have told you lots of stuff for weeks, months, years. Just take a minute to review this information alone and leave everything else behind.
I have schizohprenia, but I don't, and I have like… recovered through refusing doctors orders and undergoing an exploration of my mind.
You need to read the quote. I am not a schizophrenic. I am not a mystic. I used to think I was staying afloat or treading water. I now feel like I have a stroke, I am moving, I am getting where I need to go.
I am not fucking around. I am a highly trained professional that has undergone very intense psychological experiences. I am not these people's test subject anymore. I am their educator.
If you want to know more you can follow the link.. this is actually, Campbell or not, what drove me to believe. I had to believe I was having an experience and the experience was not of disease. I spent the last 8-9 years figuring this out. Here I sit.
I really don't want to be like this. I have to, it is the way forward. I must declare my unique cultural identity as an American Invisible. It is their science. It is all over the internet. Everyone can see this.
I am almost there. I walk the middle way. I walk the path. Right thought. Right speech. Right action. Breath. Relax. Normalize.
Okay. I talk to a voice that calls it self God, but if I leave that out of the conversation. I can sure convey an awful lot of critical data about the situation here on the ground.
I am a diagnosed, by a federal judge, I was told I was disabled. I told that judge the answer to the only question he asked me.
"Can you tell me about synthetic telepathy?"
I told him I was trying to blow the whistle on a problem, I hear a voice in my head I think it is coming from the government or a corporation. Period. I was placed on federal disability and here I sit.
The thing is, if I am in public, I can pass as "normal". I go and work out in state parks or national parks. I work in restaurants. I am a restaurant server for the elite while they do tourism. Nobody, ever, knew I had schizophrenia once. I told a girlfriend once and she didn't believe me, she told me I was a liar.
Okay America. I have been diagnosed in this country over and over. I told a doctor I knew how to make free energy. I do know how and these fucking assholes are giving a B52 for telling them I know how to make free energy? Seriously. A B52 is an injection of 3 different drugs that is usually used on psych patients, or patients that are being combative. Look it up.
I have been diagnosed in multiple states over and over and over. I have never had the content of my voices questioned. I have shared my "mental institution writings" here, that you can't tell were written in a mental institution if I didn't tell you.
I have had enough America.
I am an Invisible.
There are more of me.
They are hiding. They are professionals.
They have jobs.
They have lives.
They can't talk about the little voice in their head like me.
Some are confused by it all.
I am the voice of the Invisible until I hear the population identity itself as something other than schizophrenic psychotic. This shitshow is over. The cabal is mine. The system is mine. i think I have been clear. You want a fucking conspiracy America. Eat the fucking words America, you figure it out. I am just one, but I ain't real happy about it all.
The science is there. You don't see yet, cause it is Joseph Campbell. It is the liberal doctrine that gives way for me to claim my authority over all these idiots dressed up like shaman and gurus and shit, while I am sitting in a mental institution.
God bless America.
Thank you Lord.
It is get the fuck out of bed God is fucking pissed time if I don't know any better.
I don't sit around here and say this shit to yell at anons. I am yelling at this whole country. I am never going to yell at them. I am a pretty nice guy, but I am sure people know I wasn't real pleased.
I have shown you tags. You can follow me through the boards for years.
citizen 3
project milkweed
citizen 3
I am waiting for Q too, but shit. I gotta do my thing too, where the fuck is Q anyway.
Look America.
You can get perfect and go to heaven, I figured out the secret. It isn't actually John 3:16
Cause Jesus is my Savior and I trust him more. I don't want to mess up and I don't want anyone else to mess up. I tell everyone the same thing. I ain't here to tell you how to get into heaven. Jesus already told you. I think some people are confused about the wording. I read it a few times, it doesn't say some of your possessions.
Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
My Christianity came after and replaced my Hinduism. The Lord is my God, however, I do not see harm in other practice in Eastern tradition.
It just seems that when I read that. I don't see anything about changing other people. It doesn't say to do much. In fact, Ghandi specifically says to change yourself.
You should read more. I didn't know it said I had to give my life to poverty forever?
The voice of God led me home as he promised when we first met.
It says to go follow Jesus. I guess I will do that when Christ returns?