>>12664077 (pb)
>I have shrivel brain, pls explain. It is castle rock set or no?
The first EO signing bullshit was done on some fake as shit…when I pointed all all the fuckups last night (taken directly from the MSM livestream), NPR hastily posted doctored CORRECTED still pics with an article re the fake EO signing.
Because I still pointed out their FAIL they sent in their fuckers to try to find SOMETHING that would work to fix their fail. That's when stupid tried the wallpaper bullshit to direct eyes just like 4chan wumao kept all eyes (and keks) on the man walking behind the window…keep eyes focused on bullshit they won't notice the rest.
THEN they are trying the oh, it's the white house oval office set…germany tweet helped that along…ok ok..stupid people think until I tear that one apart.
Right now they're working overtime on /pol/ to FIX the shit…and I'm sorry, they done fucked up.
Yes, Q did use castle-rock/ enjoy the show….you do realize that everything YOU think you know comes from what someone else told you..or labled a picture, or made a video exposing…very little of what you believe comes solely from your own observation.
Wondering what the wumao fixer is gonna come up with next? The carpet in the livestream is the same damn carpet from their fake oval office …they used shit from the official white house set…not realizing it doesn't match the current oval office.
They have tried everything to fix that FAIL. NBC used the wumao poster's blue carpet…HAHAH suckers.
The light gray paper is the real oval office wallpaper. the other stuff is the official white house set.
They have never been in eitherso they fucked up bigely. NOW they're tryna fix it. I loved the blue carpet NBC trytaken directly from this board.