Anonymous ID: 02d431 May 1, 2018, 6:05 p.m. No.1266763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6797

Part of # 1306 Q post from 4/30/2018


Define cover.

>U1 was a way to get uranium into Syria. The Clinton/Russian restart button was to get Russia to trust the US to buy the uranium Hillary was offering them. When sold to Russia, the blackhats could/would send some of the SAME batch of uranium to Syria. Remember, it's like DNA…the batches will match giving blackhats the proof they need to show the world it was Russia who sent the nuke. Then WW3.

> Lindsey Graham knew the plan 4 years ago and I think helped get the uranium to Russia.

>See video 'Lindsey Graham : Warns of possible Nuclear Attack on Charleston or New York Harbor (Sept 10, 2013)'

Why did we strike Syria?

>In retaliation for chemical attacks we knew were false.

Why did we really strike Syria?

>To blow up deep state sites like the Iranian base in Northern Syria. Explosion was 2.6 on richer scale like the 2.6 'earthquake' that 'hit' North Korea making the mountain fall on their nuclear facility under it.

>Coincidence? Nope. MOAB? Probably.

Define cover.

>Trump said he was pulling the soldiers out of Syria which he never tells what his plans are.

>This then gave the blackhats an excuse to do their False Flag aka chemical attack so the Iranian base could be bombed in Northern Syria.

Patriots in control.