The HELL????????
Of course Trump wrote it. Anyone who didn't get the joke from the language has a humor deficiency.
What a hoot! Makes me laugh.
Then time to take a break, anon. Your angst undermines others. come back when you're stronger.
Meh - how is it fraud? People bring in notes for doctor's to sign, all the time. Doctors often lie and do whatever their patient asks. Nothing in the letter was likely unture although obviously a satire. He wasn't hiding cancer or something.
Dershowitz wasn't Epstein's attorney. This keeps being repeated but it's not true. Source is the deposition associated with the defamation claim Dershowitz brought against the woman who accused him of assaulting her on Epstein's plane. He specifically testified he was never Epstein's attorney and barely knew him. The attorneys for the woman went on record that they failed to do due diligence when they included Derkowitz in the lawsuit as he could prove he'd never been on the plain at the same time as the woman.
No, you didn't post this to yourself, you posted it on the board. Stop drawing attention to yourself and making this harder for others than it needs to be. Take a break, get a grip and come back when you want to be an anon rather than an ineedahugfag.
We all have our moments.