Anonymous ID: 861f75 May 1, 2018, 7:01 p.m. No.1267346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7378

The cryptic Killary email piqued my interest, especially considering it was a plane crash. I figure that there is a detail in the background behind that plane crash that would add context to the obvious coded language.There were 4 US government officials aboard that aircraft https://…


but the one that caught my eye was Major Chuck "Tiny" McKee…he was military intelligence..and therefore the enemy of the CIA and the sitting President, Bush 41…I found an article from 2001 with some pretty good info. Major McKee's mother felt that her son was the reason that plane was bombed. Some relevant info from the article:

"Mrs. McKee wonders if Chuck's background contains the secret of why this plane was targeted. If her suspicions are correct, Washington may not be telling the entire story. "


"His real assignment reportedly was to work with the CIA in reconnoitering the American hostages in Lebanon and then, if feasible, to lead a daring raid that would rescue them."


"The central figure emerging from the Interfor investigation is a 44-year-old Syrian arms and drug trafficker, Monzer al-Kassar."


"It was through al-Kassar's efforts, or so he claimed, that two French hostages were released from Lebanon in 1986 in exchange for an arms shipment to Iran. The deal caught the eye of a freewheeling CIA unit code-named COREA, based in Wiesbaden, Germany. This special unit was reported to be trafficking in drugs and arms in order to gain access to terrorist groups."


"In December 1988 al-Kassar picked up some news that threatened to shut down his smuggling operation. Charles McKee's counterterrorist team in Beirut that was investigating the possible rescue of the nine American hostages had got wind of his CIA connection. The team was outraged that the COREA unit in Wiesbaden was doing business with a Syrian who had close terrorist connections and might endanger their planned rescue attempt."


This might deserve some digging….I don't understand why HRC would use that language, and how it relates to the people mentioned in her emailk…Pan Am 103 looks like a hit to take out Military Intelligence that was onto CIA drug running. This article is pretty throrough… http://,9171,159523,00.html