My name is Mudd | Harold of the Rock
Brown Bag was duh shit after I stopped hating it
pulling that ish up now brother!
My name is Mudd | Harold of the Rock
Brown Bag was duh shit after I stopped hating it
pulling that ish up now brother!
like taking cookes out of the oven in 20seconds yields a viable product… WTF you want half a solution in 10days or a full one in a year
children gonna eat it worse than any of us…hold line, get pill-O
hmm.. I'm common core, so didn't realize that..
in that case - best to start shooting everything in site because that's sensible to act for sake of acting.
no hate.. killing starts easier than its stopped, so not sure what your plan was Gen
actually brother.. I was shitposting a day or two earlier this week … frustration is warranted.. even if Q is a pysop doesn't preclude possibility of an ongoing sparring match afoot we can't see
I was all sorts of jacked up for a few days.. had worse.. slammed vites, tons of water, sucked on garlic, slept my ass off.. good in 4-5 days.
Started with a stye… then itcy eyes, then woke up next day with a golf ball size eye, then fatigue…
unemloyment was worse
Charles Dellschau early 1900s invokes Trump 45 in his artwork
How did anyone know 45 would be the last Pres?
Dunno why people think Q is/was leading trump.. all signs point to a larger game afoot…
MIT VannevarBush>JohnTrump[TeslaPapers]
.. all war starts as a war of ideas
.. early kings had blood[spiritual authority] entitlement to rule - nothing says that has changed
That was a 'spidey sense' moment brother!..
That ENTIRE situation was tense like a mofo..
'don't say nothing' sure looked like 'don't fuck this up bitch', but could also just be a 'state coordinator' making sure ceremony doesn't look more of a circus .
Nancy was MOUSEY in that exchange. Checked hair color & facial defects & 'seemed' to check out as here contrary to assertions otherwise.
.. data points for sure..IMHO
I don't think this admin has the political currency to do much …. I just make daily rounds
calling out Biden's Daily COVID murder count
downvote everything on YT I see…. a few times as they unvote it for optics
ridicule libtards & these jokeass retards on their LIVEstream to disrupt energetic coherency/pendulum creation.
memeshame the left as liars/cheats/traitors/unhygenic/clueless chimps
the payback is working wonders for my morale & Snicker'd my munchies for resolution… I'm ok with a protracted situation until people start getting hurt.
i'm blue balling like the rest brother!!!!
I thought everyone would be farting rainbows by 2017 and I could go play in my studio
4 years later seems like we're starting over… BUT.. in the war of ideas – territory gains HUGE.. such that faggots gotta fag to the extent we just saw last 60d..
not happy camper fren, but comfy..
faith & confidence creates space for success… stored food & munitions creates time if failure arrives :)
I just bought a trunk full of that ish..
I thought I'd hate the sight of pepe by now.. but we have become one