Do you not know many people? I know like 20+ people that tested positive for it.
None, because none of them were 70+
Probably all of them, considering I don't trust that the virus itself is uniquely 'real'.
Yeah, in the real world, some workplaces require tests(like for medical professionals like my girlfriend). The rest got tested because they felt "symptomatic" with one of those overly broad symptoms from a range of other ailments.
I never bothered with a test, nor felt anything that would classify as 'symptomatic'…but if my girl had it, there is 0 chance I didn't have it.
There was no quarantine between her and I, I sleep with this woman every day. If she had it, I had it.
I'm legit scared they are going to force her to get the vaccine, like they do with the annual flu-shots….and she'll become sterile.
I want her to have my kids, (if I ever get enough money together to support a family kek) I don't want that all fucked up because the elite want to depopulate us with needles.
For real, if any state succeeds in secession, I'm moving there on the fucking spot.