BAKER ID: e987ea @100 Jan. 22, 2021, 7:49 a.m. No.12667339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7369 >>7394 >>7673 >>7988

>>12667162 Dough



kek i was expecting gore porn from doodle shill baker, but seems hes turned the tide and gone lesbo. Filtered



>>12667261 Friendly Reminder for Newfrens Joining the Party!

>>12667277 3 P-8's Looking very hard for something off S. Fla

>>12667296 Microsoft files a patent to bring back dead loved ones as AI "chatbots"

>>12667089 LB Q has posted many references to both Huma as well as HUMA

>>12667306 Reporter and Anchor fags front and center