So I just got a thought, because I read some anons think that POTUS will never be POTUS again, now this is where it gets wild:
POTUS did dissolve the US of A, and returned us to a republic
He said he'd be back in one form or another
Pompeo tweeting American First like a 1,000 times
Mike Flynn, hold on for 30 days
So maybe the plan is the the congress impeach him and he's banned from political office forever, so what HE never wanted the job in the first place. He's a chaos/organization person, he shakes things up and turns them around and then they are profitable
Maybe just maybe, the new president and VP will be
Mike Flynn
And POTUS will be their eternal advisor, no reason to go through more years of hell on earth, just organize, advise and MAGA from the background.
Now that's the only way I'll accept he won't be POTUS again.