BLM Burn Loot Murder
now instructing Police
BLM Antifa is promoting one race over all racists
BLM Burn Loot Murder
now instructing Police
BLM Antifa is promoting one race over all racists
Comey backing Burn Loot Murder Antifa
cover allpolitical crimes and backs Antifa BLM
says nothing as cities burned
BLM Antifa promoting one race over all races
antifa trying to separate from the jewish marxists
white supremists
black supremists
two groups more power
same as r's and d's
pretend different
but they are the uniparty
r's d's sameparty against the people election fraud
antifa blm same uni party
FBI scared of MAGA party who believe in us constitution
thats why they defended antifa blm
and attacked maga
they want to control 2 fake parties
by election Fraud
and watched the cities Burned Looted Murdered
LG loves Election Fraud
anything to protect his check
GOP - he is the Guardian of the Pedo
ITs more LG and NP
GOP guardians of the pedo in power because of election fraud
ALL in Capitol should be removed
Election Fraud will give CCP Feinstein 94 years old politicianโฆ. vote her out ? Election Fraud
State city federal all election fraud stealing from americans
as police fbi and others stand down as BLM antifa watch the cities burn
3 letters protect election Fraud and spying to gain money int he corporation
Not just about POTUS election
ELECTION Fraud throughout the land
where lawmakers go against the us constitution
LG is a traitor
Americans have the right to protest
Call them what they are for going against the us consitution
Triators LG is a traitor โฆmore war ? willlg meet alqadea under Xiden ?
stay toghether the truth is the great awakenignyou have it Speak it
Antifa BLM police take away your guns ?
LG and noname loves alqadea
Fight like a TRUMP
Wield the Truth
Stay Together
Apply the keystone
Election Fraud
TSA thinks you are the enemyโฆ thats why they fondleyou at the airport
TSA should fondle the politicins at the airport and in the capitol
the capitolisgiven1 Billion dollars for security and let people in
Capitol has naked body scanners ?
not for politicians for you the enemy
Election Fraud - security against yuo the Americns the enemy