Anonymous ID: d688f1 Jan. 22, 2021, 9:19 a.m. No.12668452   🗄️.is 🔗kun


don't be a moron. It's anyone with lots of power and influence. Jews are just one type of wealthy person.

the other ones maybe don't let themselves be known.

grow up and stop looking for a simple answer.

Anonymous ID: d688f1 Jan. 22, 2021, 9:24 a.m. No.12668526   🗄️.is 🔗kun


why do projection-technique psychologists label people, and then when they discover that the labels are incorrect and slanderous, still use that catagory as a justification for regressive methodologies of governmental disresepct and hazing, commonly called 'tyranny'.

If I were a policy wonk any catagorization of people would have to be truthful descriptions, and not just freshmantic doodle-thoughts of a legacy with a pretty family name and a well known lineage.

sadly you folks always go for the cheep solution.

daddy's little starlet is the only way ,everone else is side-lined and hazed out of the organization.

and then all your copy is transparent nonsense.


no one here is promoting racism, and you know this.

Anonymous ID: d688f1 Jan. 22, 2021, 9:29 a.m. No.12668603   🗄️.is 🔗kun


cliff hangers never end, anon.

this is the democracy that you own.

why aren't you ahppy about it?

sane awake people have known for hundreds of eyars that governemnts are usually rotton to the core.

now even the crazy people can't deny it.

so maybe that means fuliminating change?

but you donk the donk for the redactative censorious (methaphorical) lizzard-minded.


slither off.

the water is warming up now

you might catch a spurging marxist

at the end of their era

maybe you can save them still.

show them that they could grow (allegorical?) wings if only they'd give up their all-or-nothing instant love-you/hate-you russ-botic natures

Anonymous ID: d688f1 Jan. 22, 2021, 9:40 a.m. No.12668762   🗄️.is 🔗kun


even when they make a correct ruling, the urge to splurge captured you and you say 'oh yeee illegitimite body'.


what do you think about their ruling, stop avoiding the subject.

that's fucking awesome news for us here. t

eh slander of us being Nazis can no be removed as a tool

while I am not a Nazi, I no longer have to answer each accusation of it (cause they do it constantly) so as to not be eventually keyhauled by a sudden rash rush of new regulation about 'hate' and 'conflated terminology'


the whole QANON equals HATE equals NAZIS SO . . . CKD (Crush-kill-destroy) is thus deprecated.

if we had a 'level up' in a Sid Miers Civ game it would be 'ruling of court makes hate-smear gulog recruitment obsolete.' and the civ would break out in celebration.