For those keeping track of the arrests (UPDATED)
Rothcshild clan………..Free
George Soros………….Free
George Bush…………..Free
"Big Mike"……………….Free
Jussie Smollett………..Free
Joe Biden……………….Free(POTUS)
Hunter Biden…………..Free
Hillary Clinton………….Free
Bill Clinton………………Free
Bill Gates……………….Free
Huma Abedin………….Free
John Podesta………….Free
Tony Podesta………….Free
Marina Abramovic……Free
Nancy Pelosi…………..Free
Dianne Feinstein……..Free
Chuck Schumer……….Free
Valerie Jarrett………….Free
Peter Strzok……………Free
Lisa Page……………….Free
Andrew McCabe………Free
Christopher Steele……Free
Loretta Lynch…………..Free
Robert Mueller…………Free
Bruce Ohr……………….Free
Susan Rice……………..Free
James Comey…………Free
Adam Schiff…………….Free
Rod Rosenstein……….Free
James Clapper………..Free
John Brennan………….Free
Prince Andrew…………Free
Ghislaine Maxwell……Arrested
Jeffrey Epstein………..Dead(allegedly)
John Mccain……………Dead
George H.W. Bush…..Dead
RGB clone(s)…………..Dead
Anons……………………..In a World of Confusion
I'll keep this list updated and waiting for those upcoming arrests.
Any minute now…