Anonymous ID: 31499d Jan. 22, 2021, 11:39 a.m. No.12670491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0920



>>12669715 Twitter Says It Has Not Suspended Iranian Supreme Leader's Account

>>12669739 Democrats demand Facebook, Twitter & YouTube change algorithms to stop ‘polluting minds of American people’

>>12669826 If ‘Facebook is Private’ Why are They Feeding Private Messages of Its Users Directly to the FBI?

>>12669840 Greg Abbott Orders Texas National Guard To Pull Out Of D.C. Immediately

>>12669851 Republican Rep: $1400 Checks Only for People Who Take Vaccine

>>12669886 New study recommends hydroxychloroquine as treatment for COVID. Did Fauci lie again?

>>12669892 The Standard Hotel Closing Its Sunset Strip Location On Friday

>>12669906 Christopher Steele Told FBI Of Clinton Crony’s Work On A Second Trump Dossier

>>12669926 Don’t Hug Your Grandchildren Even After Vaccine, Warns UK Health Expert

>>12669940 CBP to Build New Migrant Entry Center in Advance of Biden Policies

>>12669949 SIS is headed by Sir John Sawers

>>12670054 Stenographer: Joe Biden Unfit to Become President He knows that Joe Biden is totally corrupt because he heard all the private conversations!

>>12670057 FEMA “Smart” Guillotines Placed in FEMA Internment Camps

>>12670063 Biden reversing EO on drug pricing

>>12670086 Facebook made 94% of all child sex abuse image reports by tech firms last year

>>12670115 Microsoft files a patent to bring back dead loved ones as AI “chatbots” from their digital harvested data

>>12670229 PF

>>12670240 Israeli apartheid regime constantly attacks Syria, with total impunity and barely even any press coverage.


Not notables according to theCLOWNwho is baking

Anonymous ID: 31499d Jan. 22, 2021, 11:42 a.m. No.12670531   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EU anti-Semitism chief stands by blatant lie


This is a story about how European Union officials evade accountability when they are caught in a blatant lie for the benefit of Israel.


Earlier this week I wrote about a major legal victory for supporters of Palestinian rights in Spain.


In 2015, activists from the group BDS País Valencià called on a music festival to cancel a performance by Matthew Paul Miller, the singer who uses the stage name Matisyahu, because he had made anti-Palestinian statements and had helped raise money for the Israeli occupation army.


This month, a court in Valencia threw out hate crime accusations against the activists. The judges found that they were only contesting Miller’s presence in the festival because of his alleged views on Israeli policy, “not because of his Jewish status, religion or any other circumstance.”


The Spanish court also affirmed last June’s landmark ruling by the European Court of Human Rights that calling for boycotts of Israel because of its crimes against Palestinians is not anti-Semitic and is protected political expression.


Although the facts about the incident in Spain have been clear from the start, the recent ruling is a total vindication of the activists by impartial judges.


Yet in recent years, the European Union has smeared the activists, falsely claiming that they only protested Miller because he is Jewish.


This false charge of anti-Semitism was made by Katharina von Schnurbein, the EU’s anti-Semitism coordinator, at a 2019 conference launching an Israeli government report smearing the Palestine solidarity movement.


It is repeated in a recently published EU “handbook” promoting the so-called IHRA definition of anti-Semitism.


This misleading definition, backed by Israel and its lobby, conflates criticism of Israel’s racism and war crimes against Palestinians, on the one hand, with anti-Jewish bigotry, on the other.



While I was writing my story, I emailed von Schnurbein asking whether she would retract the false claims she made about the 2015 Matisyahu incident.


The reply came after I had already published my article, but not from von Schnurbein herself.


Instead, Christian Wigand, a spokesperson for the European Commission – the EU’s executive branch – wrote to me:


“We do not comment [on] court judgments in our member states. As for the Commission’s – and in fact the European Union’s – position on the BDS movement, which was reiterated by our coordinator Ms. von Schnurbein at the event you mention, our position is very clear and has not changed.”


I can give credit to Wigand for a masterful example of bureaucratic evasion, but not for much else.

Anonymous ID: 31499d Jan. 22, 2021, 11:42 a.m. No.12670542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0806 >>0954 >>1035

FBI Believed Hillary Clinton – Not Donald Trump – Was Receiving Help From Foreign Influences In 2016, Memos Reveal


Comey slow-walked a FISA warrant that most likely would have found the Clinton campaign accepted foreign donations against FEC regulations


Field agents with the FBI had an open investigation in 2014 focused of foreign finances flowing into Hillary Clinton’s fledgling presidential campaign. But instead of receiving the FISA warrant they requested, FBI executive leadership briefed the candidate on the issue.


Declassified memos revel that FBI field agents became frustrated with being stonewalled from securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to the point they escalated their request outside the chain of command to then-FBI Director James Comey.


“The FISA application has remained in limbo for the last four months, even though subsequent investigative activity by [redacted] provided additional probable cause for the FISA application,” one FBI operative wrote to Comey in April of 2015.


That communication stated the FBI field office leading the probe and requesting the FISA warrant was “still uncertain as to why the application has not been sent to DOJ for final approval although several reasons have been put forth by CD [Criminal Division], most recently that the decision to put the application on hold originated ‘on the seventh floor.’”


Double standard? FBI feared foreign power was targeting money to Hillary Clinton before 2016 campaign, declassified memos show. But bureau delayed FISA warrant and instead gave defensive briefing to her, in stark contrast to Trump case. | Just The News


— John Solomon (@jsolomonReports) January 21, 2021


The seventh floor of the FBI headquarters in Washington, DC, is where the FBI director and his staff have their offices.


Comey’s response to the communication was a non-committal, “Don’t know anything about this but will get smarter.”


Instead of examining the FISA request or the reasons the FBI field agents requested the warrant, FBI leadership decided to provide Clinton’s team with a “defensive briefing” in October of 2015, just as her presidential campaign was gearing up.


According to the declassified memos, the briefing was delivered to Clinton’s legal team led by David Kendall and Katherine Turner.


“Kendall and Turner were advised the FBI was providing them with this briefing for awareness and so Ms. Clinton could take appropriate action to protect herself,” a summary memo stated. “They were also told the FBI was seeking their assistance to identify other appropriate recipients of the brief, if any.”


Clinton’s lawyers were told, “the campaign should increase its vigilance of contributions related to any of the matters discussed above.”


FBI feared foreign power was targeting money to Clinton before 2016 campaign, memos show via @JustTheNews


— Lou Dobbs (@LouDobbs) January 21, 2021


The now declassified memos redact the name of the foreign country in question as well as the FBI field office that requested the FISA warrant. But they do make clear the plot involved “foreign aid money that might be contributed to her campaign should/when she announce(s) her run for POTUS.”


The memos offer no evidence Clinton herself was aware of the plot.


It is unclear whether the FIA warrant application was ever truly entertained by FBI leadership, or ever advanced to the FISA court for consideration.


The memos were declassified in an 11th-hour order by outgoing-President Trump. They serve to illustrate the inequitable contrast in the way the FBI treated Clinton and Trump, respectively.

Anonymous ID: 31499d Jan. 22, 2021, 11:50 a.m. No.12670664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0701 >>0738 >>0806 >>0954 >>1035

National Guard Plans to Ask Thousands of Troops to Remain in DC Until Mid-March


The National Guard Bureau is working on a plan to call for thousands of volunteers from the 25,600 Guard members in Washington, D.C., to remain on duty in the city until as late as mid-March.


Guard officials announced Thursday that approximately 15,000 Air and Army National Guard troops would begin returning to their home states as early as this weekend.


Over the past two weeks, the massive Guard force flowed into D.C. to reinforce federal law enforcement for Wednesday's inauguration of President Joe Biden, following the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol that left five people dead.


While the inauguration took place peacefully, the Guard is still supporting requests from the U.S. Secret Service and federal law enforcement. Guard officials said Thursday that approximately 7,000 troops would likely remain in D.C. through the end of January.


As of Friday, the plan is to have up to 7,000 troops remain in D.C. through March 12, but those details are still in the planning stages, a National Guard official told


Any Guard members who stay past the original 31-day mobilization order will be on a volunteer basis, and their orders will be modified for the new time frame, Nahaku McFadden, a spokesman for the Guard Bureau, told


"We are not going to make anybody stay," McFadden said.


Guard officials said Thursday that troops in D.C. and across the country did not face a single security threat on Inauguration Day.


"We not only had 26,000 here in D.C., but there were also 7,000 supporting 30 state capitals around the country," U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. Steven Nordhaus, director of Domestic Operations and Force Development for the National Guard Bureau, told "There were no incidents that I know of. … It was really remarkable with our states working with their local law enforcement. It was very peaceful, thanks to all the great efforts from the states and the National Guard in each of those states."

Anonymous ID: 31499d Jan. 22, 2021, 11:55 a.m. No.12670749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0761 >>0806 >>0954 >>1035

Bloomberg: 'Climate change has the potential to kill everybody,' worse than pandemic 'long-term'


Bloomberg suggested Biden take action on climate change without waiting for Congress


Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg suggested Friday that President Joe Biden take action on climate change without waiting for Congress, emphasizing that climate change is "much more serious" long-term than the COVID-19 pandemic.


During the presidential campaign, Biden proposed a $2 trillion climate change plan.


Bloomberg, a former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, was asked if there are policy areas that he thinks Biden should address without congressional approval. He first said there are some executive actions that Biden could implement related to the pandemic and the COVID-19 vaccine but did not provide specifics. He then pivoted to climate change.


"Climate change is much more serious long-term than the virus because the virus doesn't kill everybody but climate change has the potential to kill everybody," Bloomberg said during a discussion at the U.S. Conference of Mayors winter meeting.


Bloomberg said his foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, has been working on getting rid of coal-fired power plants.


"We've closed over 60 percent of all the coal-fired power plants in the country," he said. "We really do have a chance of getting all of them, or virtually all of them closed by 2030 which is only 9 years away and we're doing the same thing in Europe now. Actually, Europe has fewer coal-fired power plants so we're ahead there than we are in America."


Bloomberg said ripping down coal-fired power plants and replacing it with "renewables" is "capitalism at work."

Anonymous ID: 31499d Jan. 22, 2021, 11:56 a.m. No.12670764   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden Energy Pick Set to Make Millions from Prominent Energy Company


Jennifer Granholm's ties to energy industry will likely lead to conflicts of interest


Former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm, President Joe Biden's pick for energy secretary, could pocket up to $5 million for stepping down from a prominent position with a Silicon Valley energy company.


Granholm will relinquish her spot on the board of Proterra, Inc., an electric-vehicles manufacturer, if she is confirmed by Congress. She will also sell off all stocks in the company, resulting in a windfall. Disclosure forms show that Granholm's stock in Proterra is valued between $1 and $5 million. She will also divest from other energy companies, including First Solar, a solar-panel company, and Duke Energy, an electric company. These investments would bring Granholm an additional $2,000 to $30,000.


Granholm's close ties to the energy industry are likely to raise conflict-of-interest concerns. In addition to her role with Proterra, Granholm does consulting work for startups and businesses in the clean-energy, transportation, and advanced-manufacturing sectors. As energy secretary, Granholm would push Biden climate policies that would provide a lucrative boost to those sectors.


The industry has already seen an uptick since Democratic victories in the 2020 elections and Georgia runoffs.


"Renewable energy stocks have shot up since the Georgia Senate runoff and it's reasonable to ask why that would be," said Josiah Neeley, an energy expert at the R Street Institute. "If it's because the prospects of cheaper, more efficient renewable energy have suddenly brightened, that would be a good thing. If it's that the renewable industry is more likely to get more subsidies and loan guarantees, that might be good for the companies, but not so good for the taxpayers."


The renewable-energy sector will expand under Biden as he seeks to hit net-zero greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050. This goal would require a massive electric-vehicle push. Companies such as Proterra, a leading electric-bus manufacturer, could stand to benefit from such policies.


Granholm also helps run Granholm Mulhern Associates, a firm she co-owns with her husband, Daniel Mulhern. As part of her role with the firm, Granholm provides consulting services to clean-energy companies. The firm will dissolve when she leaves the energy sector—but Mulhern intends to launch a new consulting firm solely in his name, which will bring over his current clients.


Andrew Bates, a Biden transition spokesman, told the Washington Free Beacon that Mulhern will divest from his stocks, which include between $16,000 and $75,000 in First Solar and Duke Energy. Bates said that Mulhern will not consult with energy companies.


Granholm is not the only Biden nominee likely to raise conflict-of-interest concerns. Gen. Lloyd Austin, Biden's pick for defense secretary, stands to make up to $1.7 million by leaving the board of defense contractor Raytheon, while Janet Yellen, Biden's nominee for treasury secretary, was paid more than $7 million for speeches to Wall Street firms and other major corporations.


Granholm did not respond to a request for comment.

Anonymous ID: 31499d Jan. 22, 2021, 11:57 a.m. No.12670787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0806 >>0824 >>0846 >>0954 >>1035

oe Biden putting 'Saudi Arabia first' by halting Keystone XL pipeline: Sen. Daines


Democrats are ‘no longer a friend’ to American workers, the senator said


Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., believes President Biden killing the Keystone XL pipeline shows he’s putting "Saudi Arabia first," not American workers.


"It looks like he cares more about workers in Saudi Arabia than the workers in America," Daines said on "America's Newsroom."


"This is going to have a direct effect [on] the pocketbooks of the American people here in the middle of a pandemic."


Biden signed a total of 17 executive orders within minutes of entering the Oval Office for the first time on Wednesday. The orders reversed a number of Trump administration policies and covered areas Biden identified as his priorities on the campaign trail, including the coronavirus pandemic and climate change.


In addition to halting the Keystone XL oil pipeline project, Biden renewed the U.S. commitment to the Paris climate agreement, just three years after President Trump withdrew support.


"This is a major infrastructure project that President Biden killed six hours into his presidency," Daines said. "It's outrageous and it's going to get worse."


Daines is also worried about the Biden administration’s plans to put a pause on any new oil and gas leases on federal lands. He said the administration is yielding to "the far-left radical extremists" who are pushing the Green New Deal.

Anonymous ID: 31499d Jan. 22, 2021, 11:59 a.m. No.12670813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0954 >>1035

Bongino reveals the FBI may be investigating his role in Parler


Fox News contributor Dan Bongino joined ‘Hannity’ Thursday to discuss the possible and alleged FBI investigation of social media site, Parler.


Bongino purchased an ownership stake in Parler in June 2020, as an effort to fight back against what he described as “Tech Tyrants” Facebook and Twitter.


Bongino said that Parler may now be under investigation by the FBI for its “alleged role” in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack.


Chairwoman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), called for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to conduct a “robust examination” of the role Parler played in the Jan. 6 siege, specifically whether the platform was a “potential facilitator” of planning or inciting the violence.


In a letter to the FBI Thursday, Maloney questioned whether Parler is “a potential conduit for foreign governments who may be financing civil unrest in the United States.”


The FBI declined to comment on if they are moving forward with the investigation.


Bongino responded to the allegations on ‘Hannity,’ saying they wanted Parler investigated because a Parler executive is married to someone who was born outside of the United States.


“Now I know you’re waiting for a punchline. No, that’s it,” Bongino said to Hannity.


“The democrats slimeball totalitarian losers and this loser Maloney decides she wants the FBI to investigate our company because the executive married a woman, who’s family is really, really poor and happens to reside in Russia,” Bongino said. “[Maloney] presents no evidence whatsoever. Isn’t that xenophobic and Islamophobic?”


In her letter, Maloney raised questions about “Parler’s financing and its ties to Russia.”


The intelligence community has warned that Russia has used social media and other measures “to sow discord in the United States and interfere with our democracy,” she wrote.


She continued, “The company was founded by John Matze shortly after he traveled in Russia with his wife, who is Russian and whose family reportedly has ties to the Russian government. Concerns about the company’s connections to Russia have grown since the company re-emerged on a Russian hosting service, DDos-Guard, after being denied services by Amazon Web Services. DDos-Guard has ties to the Russian government and hosts the websites of other far-right extremist groups, as well as the terrorist group Hamas.”


“Their second reason is even more hilarious,” Bongino said. “After they got us de-platformed from just abut every country in the United States, we had to go to a multi-national company to protect our website from being hacked. So they want the FBI to investigate us.”


Parler was removed from Google Play and the Apple App Store following the deadly Jan. 6 siege at the Capitol. Amazon Web Services soon followed, also removing Parler from its servers.


Parler is now suing Amazon in federal court.


According to Fox News, Amazon said it told Parler repeatedly that content on the site violated the two companies’ agreement. Suspension was a “last resort” to block access to violent content.


Amazon said that Parler demonstrated an “unwillingness and inability” to remove violent content from its site.


“This country is dead as a doornail and liberals killed it,” Bongino told Hannity. “It’s pathetic. If you think you live in a free country, you’re probably a liberal or someone in the media.”

Anonymous ID: 31499d Jan. 22, 2021, 12:01 p.m. No.12670858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0954 >>1035

Biden Admin Already Caught Lying About the COVID Vaccine


Feel the unity…


CNN’s MJ Lee reported Thursday that the Biden administration claimed it was having to “start from scratch” on rolling out the COVID vaccine.


That would be the vaccine that was developed under Operation Warp Speed and began distribution to the states in December. Both of those things happened under the Trump administration. Argue all you want, but those are simply facts and they do not care about your feelings about Trump.


According to Lee’s story:


“…in the immediate hours following Biden being sworn into office on Wednesday, sources with direct knowledge of the new administration’s Covid-related work told CNN one of the biggest shocks that the Biden team had to digest during the transition period was what they saw as a complete lack of a vaccine distribution strategy under former President Donald Trump, even weeks after multiple vaccines were approved for use in the United States.


“There is nothing for us to rework. We are going to have to build everything from scratch,” one source said.


Another source described the moment that it became clear the Biden administration would have to essentially start from “square one” because there simply was no plan as: “Wow, just further affirmation of complete incompetence.”


Who are these “sources” and why doesn’t Lee name them? Why don’t they go on the record if what they’re saying is true? What’s CNN’s policy on using unnamed sources? Having written for CNN in the past, I know the site has editors. Where were they?


None of what the sources told Lee was actually true. As noted above, the Trump administration launched Operation Warp Speed and had vaccines hitting the streets in December — stunningly fast by any measure. No reporter who has followed the past year’s events to even a minimal degree should have bought that line from the Biden people.


The Biden administration used its new authority to rebrand Operation Warp Speed in an apparent effort to deny the previous administration any credit for developing the vaccines. Then it went to a friendly reporter, Lee, and launched its own spin at warp speed. Feel the unity…


The story was so obviously wrong that even CNN anchor Chris Cuomo noticed.


“Another thing that I don’t buy comes out of our reporting … that people in the administration say they’re starting from scratch with the vaccine. No, they’re not!” Cuomo exclaimed. “You have an infrastructure out there that you’re well aware of that has to be improved. But they shouldn’t get any benefit of a low bar here either. … Are they gonna scrap it or are they going to build on it, make it better?”


It seems there’s a third way: Lie.


Dr. Anthony Fauci directly refuted Lee’s story, only to have her call him a “holdover” from the Trump administration. Fauci has been in Washington so long he’s practically part of the furniture. He was there long before Trump even descended the escalator. Surely Lee is aware of this?


Lee still stands by her fraudulent story and isn’t burning her sources for lying to her. Perhaps they merely told her what she wanted to hear. It has been updated to include Fauci’s refutation, but the headline still says “Biden inheriting nonexistent coronavirus vaccine distribution plan and must start ‘from scratch,’ sources say.” Which isn’t true.


This…is CNN.


What was it the previous president called them? Oh yeah…”fake news.”


The Biden administration is off to a flyer. It’s killing jobs left and right, violating its own mask policies, disrespecting the National Guard troops (whose loyalty it questioned) it used as security theater props, and even lying so transparently that Chris Cuomo (!) isn’t buying it.


It’s only day three.

Anonymous ID: 31499d Jan. 22, 2021, 12:02 p.m. No.12670867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0913 >>0954 >>1035

Walmart Will Be Administering The COVID Vaccine At Stores In These States


Walmart (WMT) is expanding the number of COVID vaccination sites it offers.


The retail giant will soon offer the COVID-19 vaccine at stores in seven more states, starting as soon as this week, Reuters reported. The COVID vaccine will rollout in Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey, South Carolina, and Texas, as well as at stores in Chicago and Puerto Rico, a Walmart spokeswoman said.


Walmart already administers COVID shots in New Mexico and in its home state of Arkansas.


As with all COVID vaccines, doses will be administered to eligible individuals based on the rollout schedules determined in each state. Walmart said that only a handful of locations in each state will offer the shots with doses administered by store pharmacists.


In a blog post, Dr. Cheryl Pegus, Walmart Executive Vice President of Health & Wellness, said that at full capacity, Walmart would be able to deliver 10 to 13 million doses per month of the vaccine when supply and allocations allow.


The announcement comes one week after Walmart CEO Doug McMillon said at the Consumer Electronics Show that the retailer was trying to help with vaccine rollouts while making sure that it "appropriately and safely" handles the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.


“We’re having to be flexible as we try to operate state-by-state, but we feel like it’s absolutely the right thing to do to lean into this and help figure it out," he said. "That’s the approach that we’re taking.”


Walmart is not the only retailer to offer COVID vaccinations at its stores, as Walgreens, CVS, Kroger, and Rite Aid are also vaccinating people with doses of the drug. Amazon has also written to President Biden about helping with the COVID vaccine response plan by inoculating its 800,000 essential employees when appropriate.


Biden has said that he wants to vaccinate 100 million Americans within his first 100 days of office. To date, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that over 17.5 million doses of the COVID vaccine have been administered to over 15 million people.

Anonymous ID: 31499d Jan. 22, 2021, 12:04 p.m. No.12670892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0954 >>1035

Traffic Stop Becomes Drug Bust in Mexico


The Mexican National Guard seized almost 84,000 fentanyl pills and nine kilos of crystal meth in what began as a routine traffic stop in Ahome, Sinaloa, according to an official statement issued on Wednesday.


Mexico Drug Traffic StopDrug discovered during a regular traffic stop. (Photo: Mexican Police)Authorities put the estimated street value of the cache at almost 34 million pesos (US$ 1.7 million).


Officers were attempting to stop a man driving a pick-up without a front license plate on Culiacán-Los Mochis international highway. The suspect ignored the authorities’ order to pull over and began to flee.


The chase continued for some distance down the highway until the driver pulled onto a dirt road, where he lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a ditch. The suspect then ran from the scene, leaving the truck behind with its illicit cargo to be recovered by the officers.


The meth was discovered concealed in four containers beneath the seats, while the pills had been concealed underneath the vehicle upholstery.


An investigation into the suspect’s whereabouts remains ongoing.

Anonymous ID: 31499d Jan. 22, 2021, 12:05 p.m. No.12670905   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Swiss Bank Execs Suspected in Money-Laundering Probe


The Swiss financial regulator is pursuing a case against high-ranking employees at a private bank for violating anti-money laundering measures in respect of Venezuelan state oil funds.


Julius Bär BankFour Julius Baer Bank managers under investigation. (Photo: JB Facebook)The investigation concerns four managers at Julius Baer, the Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) said in a statement Thursday.


Officials have launched “enforcement proceedings” against one executive for “serious violations of… anti-money laundering provisions” at the private lender, but declined to specify in their release as to what this will entail.


Another employee has avoided such action by agreeing to never again work in a managerial capacity at the bank, while the remaining two suspects have received written reprimands.


FINMA noted that the action comes “in the context of the alleged corruption cases involving the Venezuelan oil group PDVSA.”


As part of a probe that began in 2019, the agency has contacted more than 30 national lenders regarding their role in the alleged activity and to verify their compliance with financial supervisory laws.


The Swiss press recently reported that the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Zurich and local police had identified payments of nearly US$10 billion from Venezuela to Switzerland, money of allegedly criminal origin distributed across several hundred different accounts.


Last year, FINMA said it had identified severe shortcomings in Julius Baer's anti-money laundering measures during the period between 2009 and early 2018, after investigating alleged corruption cases surrounding PDVSA and the International Football Association (FIFA). The regulator also called out breaches of reporting obligations and failures in risk management.


These deficiencies were reportedly most apparent in respect of “know-your-customer” background checks on clients, which were allegedly often incomplete or unclear.


One example cited by the regulator included a CHF70 million (US$79 million) transaction processed in 2014 on behalf of a Venezuelan client, against which the bank had allegedly failed to conduct any due diligence checks, despite having been aware the individual in question was facing serious allegations of corruption at home.


Nor is it the only time that Julius Baer has come under scrutiny for allegedly processing international transfers of suspected illicit cash.


The private lender was recently implicated in the FinCen Files, an investigative project conducted by OCCRP in partnership with several other agencies around the world that used documents leaked from the U.S. Treasury to uncover suspicious transactions at multiple global financial institutions.