Anonymous ID: 645dc9 Jan. 22, 2021, 12:31 p.m. No.12671290   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There is no STEP 5. The die was cast four years ago. A plan, decades in the making, was created to extract our de-jure nation from the clutches of a tyrannical corporate government and restore it to the people from which true power is derived. The CABAL (deep state) overplayed it's hand. They were armed with media; the central (world) banks; the military arm of the banks (CIA/Mossad); religion; the education system; the university system; big pharma; big corporations which indoctrinated their employees; and decades of 'innocent' TV shows being used as a psychological-programming-mechanisms to twist ideology. They thought their con-struct was impenetrable. The one thing they overlooked was a patriotic military and the deep sense inside us all, that something was not quite right. The military minds trained in the art of unconventional, information warfare had a huge task to perform and it had to be performed during a single presidential term. And it had to be performed under the RULE OF LAW - it had to be by the book. The deep state got complacent. They become over confident. They underestimated their foe and walked right into the trap. This was the only way. -- Whether you know it or not; whether you believe it or not, the peaceful transfer of power from Trump was not to Sleepy Joe - it was to the military. This was not a military coup. This was a military intervention which ended the 'occupation' of a foreign, corporate power aka, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC - a privately owned government services corporation based in Great Britain. And Trump had to be out-of-the-way during the final hour. Our Revolution to gain freedom from Crown-Tyranny has finally ended. It is all over except for the revelation of what has occurred and the subsequent crying. This was the plan - and it worked. After hearing the plan and agreeing with the military to be the front-man, Trump endangered himself and his entire family by running for President. Literally, ALL of western civilization was against him. And now we know why. Our country - and for that matter, the whole world - is about to step into a new age of freedom, health, prosperity and community. Praise the mighty Creator, and the Source of all things that are good. Shadilay, Patriots!


PS/Q will be changing outlets.