Anonymous ID: a8bde2 Jan. 22, 2021, 1:09 p.m. No.12671867   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Movie, castle rock


Trump could do another presidential run, even before 2024 (via Speaker’s Chair)

>>12657521 (pb)


I do prefer the movie ending proposed by a replying Anon though

>>12657574 (pb)

A provisional government nullifying an election with multiple irregularities, and ensuring a “full free and fair election” ASAP.


Military and / or Trump swooping in to to save the day might seem like a nice, swift fix, but... lefties and never-trumpers would never accept, start probably rioting again in more that just Portland and Seattle. Although Biden’s popularity may be dropping with left and right the way his EOs are going...


Also, futureproofing


If electoral fraud isn’t addressed, brought to light, what’s to stop future elections being stolen again. Waking the populace to that fraud, that risk, and legislating to avoid future repetition is the long term goal.


Trump has previously set up, and apparently is planning on setting up post-presidency, initiatives around election fraud:


Warroom (Bannon got one of those last pardons) is focusing on the Capitol “Greenzone” being like an “armed occupation”, and emphasizing that the Impeachment trial will give Trump the perfect platform to show and prove the electoral fraud. Proper focus for futureproofing. And changing public attitudes for that fourth turning he keeps circling back too...


Is that why they are getting so pissed at diversions, distractions and people breaking the fourth wall (servers on the moon!!!) in chat?


Movie. Castle rock. Loved the references and relations to pop culture in the ladies inaugural outfits btw, but wardrobe did have continuity error with some footwear. Also Oval Office decorations, windows & blank EOs. Easter eggs for anons though maybe?


Best of luck. I’m EU, so no idea if the movie includes a spin off over here... looking at my government it is crony culture all the way, now with the added icing on top of Germany & EU pulling their strings.


If Fauci / WHO stop the COVID mania then we might have a chance...