Anonymous ID: 9744cb Jan. 22, 2021, 2:49 p.m. No.12673325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3376

Facebook Colluding With Politifact To Tag Gateway Pundit COVID/WHO Article As False; Twitter Removes Source Post


A Gateway Pundit article has now been flagged by the big tech and far left conspirators of Politifact as “false” despite their “fact check” article confirming some of the information.


The original article, posted on Wednesday, was in regards to the World Health Organization sending out a memo warning about the high rate of false positives from the Covid tests, which led to inflated numbers of supposed Covid cases, which, of course, was all Orange Man’s fault because Orange Man Bad. Miraculously, though, just as Biden is taking over, the WHO comes out and lets everyone know.


To further scrub the existence of the memo from public knowledge, Twitter has removed the original source tweet from Andy Swan, which included the actual screen shot from the WHO webpage:


Ironically enough, the Politifact article makes some inadvertent concessions which seemingly support the notion that countless false positives were occurring: