Anonymous ID: 4e207e May 1, 2018, 7:39 p.m. No.1267823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7836


many of us have been here full time( with overtime ) all for free.

We have mentioned, joked about Q throwing us a party when this is over( thats not the same, kek)

Or even maybe a challenge coin, a signed letter from trump,, an autism award/medal, kek, some cool memento, would mean alot to us, and we would appreciate and treasure that for the rest of our lives.Something to show the grandkids someday.

But it is not expected( just would be nice)


All of us want freedom for the world and our children, and that is why we do this, without any other motive, because we want truth, justice, fairness, natural health, and a world not controlled by a small group of evil people.


I mentioned months ago, because some anons and friends wanted some Q memes/badges put on a shirt.

And they suggested i submit designs for free to the tshirt/crafty online sites( then people can browse your designs) and if they pick yours, you get a small percent, or a couple of bucks.

I said the only way i could do that, would be if it was set up , that wounded warriors and their families received the money. ( i could have done that on my part,, but company making items, would still be making a profit)

So i was conflicted, and never did it.

I do think it is a good idea to have Q designs for tshirts out there( there already are people selling them all over the internet)

And letter monagram items, which have always been available, just now the Q is popular.kek


We want the message to spread.Yet, don't want corporations and others making money off it.


I suggest people, anons make their own Q shirts, buy the iron on letters,, and custom make one of your own shirts.


It would be nice if the people who are selling Q anon shirts, would donate their profit to the families of those in the military who were hurt, and injured, especially fighting for us.


If i was doing it,, thats where all the money would go.

I'm going to see about donating soon to the wounded warriors.


God bless our men and women fighting for us.

Anonymous ID: 4e207e May 1, 2018, 8:01 p.m. No.1268078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8103

This is interesting.



Mueller's former assistant says grammatical errors prove leaked 44 questions came from TRUMP

Mueller reportedly sent the list of nearly four dozen questions to Trump's lawyers

Michael Zeldin, Mueller's ex-assistant, believes Trump leaked the list to the New York Times - and he points to the terrible grammar as proof

'Lawyers wouldn't write questions this way, in my estimation. Some of the grammar is not even proper,' he said

He believes the questions are notes taken by the White House during conversations with Mueller

List is a result of negotiations over topics for a potential interview with Trump

Asks about campaign 'links' with Russia, and Trump's actions after election

Focuses heavily on firing of Comey and Mike Flynn, and recusal of Jeff Sessions

Hints that a major focus of the probe has become potential obstruction charges

Reveals FBI suspects Paul Manafort of 'outreach' to Russia for campaign help

Trump has not formally agreed to be interviewed by investigators

But he lashed out Tuesday at 'disgraceful' investigation

