Anonymous ID: 7846b8 Trump Failed -- Give up Jan. 22, 2021, 3:05 p.m. No.12673536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3568 >>3587 >>3624 >>4282

The bastard known as Trump fucked all of us good. Nice betrayal there DJT! Hope the Deep State pursues you to the end of time…you have earned it.


Let us see now, every fucking chance Trump had to squash COVID, Fauci, Birx, and all the politicians over the years and he did nothing. Every fucking one of us were led down a path of hope by a man who had no intention of actually making the country or the planet any better.


So now, the anons and the Q tards await for some magic date as give by the oracle known as Q to happen. No arrests this Friday, maybe next Friday they arrest Podesta? Dream on.


You really think the military is going to go swooping in and save the day? Forget it, they are just as traitorous as the Dems and Deep State. When Trump said Biden had more to fear from the 25th Amendment what he was saying was Biden would be POTUS, get removed by the 25th Amendment, and Harris would take over. You don't remove a "illegitimately elected POTUS" with the 25th and not expect his VP take over. That is why the military is useless and nothing short of treacherous.


It is all over folks, we all followed Q and the buffoon know as Donald John Trump and we were gullible fools for doing so. It is all lost.

Anonymous ID: 7846b8 Jan. 22, 2021, 3:10 p.m. No.12673591   🗄️.is 🔗kun



yep …. ain't now more winning. The Trumpet blew it by all his fucking inaction. You know the story … wanting all the people to see

what is going on. Prove the corruption, prove the evil, prove what the fuck ever. Yet, the buffoon never did a dam thing now did he?


yep …. these Q tards can post all the fucking memes they want and all the boob pictures they want but in the end their fucking hero

fucked them real good.

Anonymous ID: 7846b8 Jan. 22, 2021, 3:14 p.m. No.12673655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3725 >>3778



The buffoon ain't doing shit. He gave it fucking up, pussed out and did not a fucking thing to prevent any of this. Too busy trying to get the Dems, the judges, etc. to do the right thing. Yeah, all to show the Americans just how corrupt the system is. Well, too fucking late Orange Man, yuou are out of the office the military ain't going to do shit to get you back in.

Anonymous ID: 7846b8 Jan. 22, 2021, 3:17 p.m. No.12673691   🗄️.is 🔗kun



March 34th …. too god damn late for anything then. Biden will have successfully destroyed all the Orange Buffoon did, have the corrupt military in key positions. Nope too late for spit balls and banana splits.