You have to understand something else.
The document I showed you this morning, I didn't know before today it had been destroyed and removed from the web.
I just saw it in my e-mail and thought I would look up the PDF instead of using my e-mail account.
Strange enough. I couldn't find it.
I started to put together the pieces.
I never quite understood.
I didn't do anything or say anything remarkable at Occupy.
I didn't have people that listened to me speak or something.
I didn't lead protests. I was just a drunk with a good heart.
I had dedicated my life to this shit though.
You have to understand, right or wrong, I was raised this way.
The first documentary I ever watched, was given to me by my mother.
It is called "Why We Fight"
Google it. It is on youtube.
At least read the wiki on it.
It is a famous movie about the MIlitary industrial Complex
If you haven't seen it, it isn't bad.
It has been so long, I can't remember, but I am pretty sure it says nothing of oppression, privilege, identity, or socialism.
I would say, without watching, please don't hate me.
It is a bi-partisan film about the truth behind the American military.
You may not like that, you can support the military.
I do support the military.
To deny the truth cause it.. sucks, it doesn't quite cut it either.
Have these social justice idiots ever seen "Why we fight"?
Have you ever asked one of these dipshits to describe the iron triangle?
Why was I learning about the Iron Triangle, and the next generation of revolutionaries was learning about the possibility of being a boy, but having a vagina, or saying you are a girl, but having a penis.
Wake up America.
What happened? Think.