They did the same shit with the recession back in 2008.
Everybody everywhere put the price of almost everything up overnight and the reason always given was, muh recession.
They did the same shit with the recession back in 2008.
Everybody everywhere put the price of almost everything up overnight and the reason always given was, muh recession.
Anyone who disputes the corporation theory well here it is from the horses mouth.
Washington DC-corporation
City of London-corporation.
Are we awake yet?
Kind of like Golem.
Gandalf knew he had a part to play but stated he didn’t know which, for even the very wisest cannot foresee all ends.
Power outages here in Surrey.
Happened about 3 am last night for about 15 minutes.
Same again just now for about 2 minutes.
Any anons experiencing this shit where they are? Street lights, everything. Complete blackout.
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An insightful and somewhat troubling anonymous letter from an acting Constable from within the current Police force. Well worth a read, and a confirmation of pretty much everything we suspected from our collective musing on the subject as outside observers.
True anon, when will people realise that the same people who took out Jeremy Corbyn are the same people who just took out Trump and the same people who did everything in their power to stop brexit. 9/11, Covid 19, recessions, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Novichok shenanigans,It’s the same bloody people behind all of it.
Ps, I couldn’t stand Corbyn but he was, and is no anti Semite but was politically taken out by the very same banking cartel he threatened to disrupt. I know many will find this hard to except for they don’t realise true capitalism hasn’t been in play for decades and we now live in a technocratic globalist financial and social system. Sorry frens capitalism went years ago and Corbin new this.
I’m not saying that Trump didn’t get fucked, but the idea that their plan went off without a hitch is laughable.
It was the most blatant and pathetic steal of all time, and the amount of people it’s woken up and the amount of ammo they’ve had to expend to get Xiden over the line means we’ve reached critical mass.
(((They))) will never recover from this.
“Civil servants”
Nameless, faceless, unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats, who skulk about in the shadows lobbying the military, police force, and the politicians and behalf of the NWO cabal.
Fucking slimey little cunts.