Anonymous ID: 84ea95 Jan. 22, 2021, 4:37 p.m. No.12674852   🗄️.is 🔗kun


all I know is the next day, heck a few hours later, congress cunts were calling for 25th amendment and reeeeeeing

muh insurrection

then they impeached him with ZERO evidence

maybe it's not but as PB anon said, potus held it up like it was a MOAB

>>12674123 pb



Are there any checks and balances of power?


Peck makes it very clear that there is an essential first step if a president decides to unilaterally invoke the Insurrection Act. He must issue a public proclamation declaring his intent to invoke.

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"This public proclamation basically asks those who are the insurgents to cease and desist and go back to their homes peaceably, and give them the opportunity to do that." Peck says that alert also gives the checks and balances system to kick in.


There are three main ways, Peck says, that the other branches of government can step in and remove the president's insurrection act invocation.


At the executive branch, the vice president and the cabinet couldinvoke the 25th Amendment.This allows the vice president to instead take over all presidential duties, meaning the president's use of the Insurrection Act would be halted.


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At the legislative branch, a normal piece of legislation would stand in a president's way. Because the Act is already a legislative action, NOT a part of the Constitution, Peck says it's possible for the House and Senate to remove the president's authority to invoke.


And at the judiciary branch, if a court case challenging the President's use of the Insurrection Act rises to the Supreme Court, they could rule that the act is being used improperly and request that the military actions stop.


"Of course," Peck provides a caveat, "this part the Act has not really been tested. We don't know how the courts would react to it, or whether they would regard this as a political question, in which the courts need to step out of it. We also don't know how Congress would react to it."