Anonymous ID: c0a88e Jan. 22, 2021, 7:07 p.m. No.12676692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6770


look read the article about the gas in colorodo. why is earthfirst attacking infrastructure, where did they come from, why is this kevin guy associated with them…. look. Earthfirst is buried in that article, but they are attacking infrastructure and getting called "vandals"


wtf is going on america.

i never even heard of earthfirst back then

I worked with the tar sands blockade a bit.

i dunno… just sayin… i did like radical environmental stuff

i have NEVER ever heard of earthfirst…. i mean, recently sure. dig for an article. when did it appear out of thin air… it as way back in the 80s. but when did it .. magically reappear..

look at their stuff. it is radical defense of the ecosystem through attacking infrastructure

okay. tar sands blockade was like tree sits to stop machinary. i think there is a difference

you may disagree with both activities

do you want the nice deluded capitalist freedom antifa people or the stupid deluded socialist kill-your-freedom antifa people

they aint gonna all join the trump army

might as well get them behaving

like proper do-gooders for the environment and shit

they don't get it america.



do you know what I would do?

instead of worrying about gay black people that don't have bathrooms.

you could replace the all the power plants in america with a new energy source

that would be a fucking start huh

why dont you pull your stupid fucking casserole system's head out of their fucking ass and do something productive


There is a difference.

There is a progressive

There is progressivism.

For the love of fucking bullshit

I call it where I see it

you all fucking dumb

and left the smart ones behind

to chase around some egotistical journey of curing the great intangible racism that barely existed before you started screaming wolf about it


i didn't hear anyone talking about race in occupy

we were there to gtet the banks

we were the 99%


I can show you this too

kevin is representing earthfirst

okay. when I was in occupy.

bill mckibbon and were the environmental people

okay. now it is EarthFirst.

they shut off all the gas in vale

they are the ANTIFA fucks right

but why is this kevin guy

associated with these people that are turning off gas valves in vale

look at how they replaced

with EarthFirst

dig earthfirst

tell me when it "appeared" out of thin air

it is an old thing

but…. when did it start.. getting organized enough to attack infrastructure?

Anonymous ID: c0a88e Jan. 22, 2021, 7:12 p.m. No.12676770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6806


you see america

your government doesn't eat the shit you are feeding them

they hear that ANTIFA is a leaderless movement, this and that

You think they take you at your fucking word?

Fucking idiots

they arrested any semblance of ANTIFA and replaced it with authoritarianism

Yes. whether you fucking like it or not, you have social hierarchies and functions within your leaderless movements

the government likes to track these "social groups" that are "leaderless"

grow the fuck up

you don't have leaderless nothing

you have equal opinion in the direction of said "organization" or non-organization, whatever.


the american government treats everything you claim is non-organized, decentralized and leaderless …

well the complete opposite


organized, centralized, and full of little leaders that dont have titles or power within the structure of said non-organization


just get with it america


Anonymous ID: c0a88e Jan. 22, 2021, 7:14 p.m. No.12676806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6870


okay. I need #walkaway

i have twitter

i will use it when i am ready

sorry for spam

but it lets me leave record so i can pull from

and i dunno

you never know who might be listening.

i post everything here

i dont really care

i just do me

i have lots and lots and lots of posts here.


shill spam

records is what i call it.

Anonymous ID: c0a88e Jan. 22, 2021, 7:18 p.m. No.12676870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7112


Here is a question..


Do you really think the guy in the media, the articles, and the videos saying he is the voice of this leaderless organization and movement…


is telling the truth.


why would I lie about all this


yea. I fucked around on the left a whole bunch so i could come tell a whole bunch of Q people from the right about it.


really. look.

why would I stay in a party and chase around idiots?

that isn't their movement

it is the peoples movement

it is our movement

i aint scared

i will america

Do you trust me?

I will pick out my friends, from that camp, clear. one by one.

You all can do the same. camp by fucking camp. i dunno.

it is only the people on the ground in each location that would be able to identify friend and foe likely. or at least point in the right direction


they have made it obvious for the world

these people are stupid.

I know this

something is wrong

someone has installed illegitimate leadership in the progressive movement it is leading to increased violence and radicalism with less effectual change.

Anonymous ID: c0a88e Jan. 22, 2021, 7:37 p.m. No.12677112   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ya'll can take your cope and shove it up your ass. i will cope when i want to cope. wannabe

fucking repressed faggots too. go try some dick. seriously.


I actually have a lot of sympathy or empathy you might say for ANTIFA

I think they are morons

But I was one.. I guess that is why I help to end this shit now.

If I can't get a handle on them

they goto FEMA for re-education

which isn't as bad as it sounds. it is like timeout for people.

a place to re-collect yourself

they are caught in the moment

I have been there.

I was saying earlier, i did my first graffitti in the spur of a moment with a group of peers.

it is powerful to be doing something as a group and believe you can accomplish something bigger than yourself


protest reminds me of trump rallies

i know everyone gets the same feeling chanting "USA USA USA" together as the people get outside chant "FUCK TRUMP"


you see. I Have been on both sides.

both have passion.

passion doesn't always translate to proper action though

people are misleading others

they are leading passionate people that just want to make the world a better place, regardless of partisan viewpoints or faith.

they are taking all that energy and throwing into things that are important.

i say again

they are moving peoples energy into important topics.

yes. i do think there should be conversations about racial inequality and poverty and stuff.

have you ever been to the hood?

its like a bunch of poor black people

have you ever been to suburbia

it is like a bunch of rich white people.

i ain't a fucking bitch

cause i think life could be a little more fair

and i don't mind putting my foot forward

cause i have enough

i don't live in the hood quite honestly

im fucking white

i don't really wanna live in the hood

and that is called honesty america

does that make me a racist or fucking normal little white dude that doesn't want to get robbed?

it is fact. liberal hate facts.

fact: gang operate in some neighborhood

no thanks



Look. I am not going to play their stupid games, but I am also not going to give up putting my best foot forward wherever I can.


Personally, I would like to seize the government, abolish everything, review the documents, have a constitutional convention, reestablish 3 equal branches of government and elect a president that will uninstall every fucking corporate propaganda program from the media. Period.


Good morning america.

nobody wanted to help me

so i just went and did it myself maybe

if i didnt do it myself


that sucks

i larped my delusion for 3 years

ya'll should help me do it now.

we gotta talk to the military though and convince them they are the 99%.

I think the 1% are not even american or something they are like multi-national dual citizenship global citezens of the great dubain empire.

wake the fuck up america

these people don't even really live here

there are millions of them and like 0.01% of them.

fuck them.

fuck their stupid dollar.

don't even hang the idiots.

just print new money

and let everyone trade 5 million old money for the new money



what the fuck is debt anyway and who owns it?

I could go on and and on and on

I won't

But i will..

Until this nation is in shape.

i have been doing this 3 years

even if it is a schizo fucking delusion

i aint stoppin now

look at these videos and shit

i showed you a missing document from web

i showed you all the founding contributers of the adbusters magazine. pretty big deal, look it up.

Where are they Amarica?

I will not rest until bill mckibbon and chris hedges are on the fucking news, getting treated with dignity and respect from the progressive left.

you need to get back to your fucking roots

figure out what happened

and fix it

i am having a cow

as I lecture this nation

if you don't realize this is a lecture reading it now.

you will laugh one day.

i believe

i believe if i believe anything hard enough

i truly believe

probably more than anyone else here

i dont doubt it

look at what i am telling you

i am not some dumbass with a keyboard.

i speak american

i make sense

i believe i have already taken over

or I will

long enough to install those 2 authorities into the culture of the left.


Anonymous ID: c0a88e Jan. 22, 2021, 7:49 p.m. No.12677259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7293 >>7318

Fuck this shit

Look at this. almost 2 hours of video about occupy miami.


who is the first interview?

kevin young.


look at all the other people though

i want you to see them\

is kevin young. the one in the articles,. the media, the college, with the degree.

is he the one representing all those other people?

Look, just scroll few a bit and see the faces.

He took their lives away.

I am pissed.

Those are my friends and I consider them my family.

You don't take away people's dreams like that and get away with it.

It wasn't my shit you took.

It was all those other people

The ones without a computer and a fancy education.

The ones that went back to life and lost that day.

Because people like Kevin Young.

Destroy 99% of people for themselves, for greed, for whatever.

It doesn't matter.

It is going to stop.

Will someone please tell /pol their is a raging ANTIFA guy that is spewing shit that makes sense to people.



I want to buy American, I heard that is like shopping local

Oh and anarchists and sovereign citizens are about identical except the name,


I am going to rant and rave.



I am going to start tagging these.

call it name fagging wahtever.

ya'll know its me anyway cause my style and stuff and i always talk wild stuff.

anyway I tag them so I cal "recall" from

anyway. I am now bullshit[]

shitty fucking name i gave myself


that is my other name

if you look up [govern]

or citizen 3

i am citizen 3

however, i am now bullshit[]


Love you America,


Anonymous ID: c0a88e Jan. 22, 2021, 7:52 p.m. No.12677293   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Is it not refreshing to hear someone so commited to leftist crap but I don't call you racists and try to overthrow you with techno guru authoritarian governments.


Do you people understand, like my own party is after me? It don't make sense


I am the only fucking ANTIFA that makes sense.




Reclaim mother fuckers.

Stop me.

ANTIFA don't get called terrorist, I wanna be one of them again.

I got the "FTP" tattoo I did stick-n-poke.

does that get me in the cool kids club?