It's a weird cultural thing. They'll show almost everything else even on broadcast television, but a vagina and penis get pixelated.
Kind of like how in some places in the world, if you call the police on a hooker who takes your money and won't give you sex - they arrest her for defrauding you and you for paying for a prostitute.
Best just to not get involved.
Although it is really weird in Japan that they are so open about sex yet … Not. There is a very harsh stigma there about women. A sort of purity obsession where they believe that the only way they can get married and live a happy life is if they do so as a virgin - to the extent where they often believe rape or the misplaced passions of youth make them completely unsalvageable.
Of course, they also have hikikemoris - which is a growing problem there and is starting to show up, here.