ID: 0e0f50 May 1, 2018, 8:53 p.m. No.1268651   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8669


Exactly correct


Look at history of democratic slave owners


First the 100 years they owned slaves and formed the democratic party


Then the democratic slave owners fought a war to keep their slaves


The democrats lost the civil war and then spent the next 100 years forming the kkk, committing acts of terror against black people, creating jim crowe, segregation and all manner of horrific acts of murder, shooting, lynching, bombing.


Then in the 1960s they kill JFK, install kkk LBJ and ride the goodwill JFK had been creating.


Then for the next 50 years, the democrats have played identity politics where the constantly remind the black people about the crimes committed against themโ€ฆ. By the democratic party.


There is an awakening and a reckoning coming for the democratic party.


The democratic party is the last living vestage of slavery and it needs to become a grease spot in a history book of true evil.