If you fear the reaper
You fear what you have sown
If you fear the reaper
You fear what you have sown
Getting warmer
33Any honest anon would objectively answer33
//not a clue//
Which is precisely the plan
^^which means we are winning big lee~~
These sorcerers then began the systematic destruction of all keys to the ancient wisdom, so that none might have access to the knowledge necessary to reach adeptship without first becoming one of their order. They mutilated the rituals of the Mysteries while professing to preserve them, so that even though the neophyte passed through the degrees he could not secure the knowledge to which he was entitled. Idolatry was introduced by encouraging the worship of the images which in the beginning the wise had erected solely as symbols for study and meditation. False interpretations were given to the emblems and figures of the Mysteries, and elaborate theologies were created to confuse the minds of their devotees. The masses, deprived of their birthright of understanding and groveling in ignorance, eventually became the abject slaves of the spiritual impostors. Superstition universally prevailed and the black magicians completely dominated national affairs, with the result that humanity still suffers from the sophistries of the priestcrafts of Atlantis and Egypt.
==Egypt, a great center of learning and the birthplace of many arts and sciences, furnished an ideal environment for transcendental experimentation. Here the black magicians of Atlantis continued to exercise their superhuman powers until they had completely undermined and corrupted the morals of the primitive Mysteries. By establishing a sacerdotal caste they usurped the position formerly occupied by the initiates, and seized the reins of spiritual government. Thus black magic dictated the state religion and paralyzed the intellectual and spiritual activities of the individual by demanding his complete and unhesitating acquiescence in the dogma formulated by the priestcraft. The Pharaoh became a puppet in the hands of the Scarlet Council–a committee of arch-sorcerers elevated to power by the priesthood.Egypt, a great center of learning and the birthplace of many arts and sciences, furnished an ideal environment for transcendental experimentation. Here the black magicians of Atlantis continued to exercise their superhuman powers until they had completely undermined and corrupted the morals of the primitive Mysteries. By establishing a sacerdotal caste they usurped the position formerly occupied by the initiates, and seized the reins of spiritual government. Thus black magic dictated
the state religion and paralyzed the intellectual and spiritual activities of the individual by demanding his complete and unhesitating acquiescence in the dogma formulated by the priestcraft. The Pharaoh became a puppet in the hands of the Scarlet Council–a committee of arch-sorcerers elevated to power by the priesthood.==
The visible universe has an invisible counterpart, the higher planes of which are peopled by good and beautiful spirits; the lower planes, dark and foreboding, are the habitation of evil spirits and demons under the leadership of the Fallen Angel and his ten Princes.
True black magic is performed with the aid of a demoniacal spirit, who serves the sorcerer for the length of his earthly life, with the understanding that after death the magician shall become the servant of his own demon. For this reason a black magician will go to inconceivable ends to prolong his physical life, since there is nothing for him beyond the grave
The most dangerous form of black magic is the scientific perversion of occult power for the gratification of personal desire. Its less complex and more universal form is human selfishness, for selfishness is the fundamental cause of all worldly evil. A man will barter his eternal soul for temporal power, and down through the ages a mysterious process has been evolved which actually enables him to make this exchange.
Though the demonism of the Middle Ages seems to have disappeared, there is abundant evidence that in many forms of modern thought -especially the so-called "prosperity" psychology, "willpower-building" metaphysics, and systems of "high-pressure" salesmanship
black magic has merely passed through a metamorphosis, and although its name be changed its nature remains the same.
Fear is a human construct! Think on that. It is within your scope to live without fear. Truly the beginning signs of evolution!
someone posted a thought about the amount of energy between ambient and absolute zero is nearly infinite. The energy contained within an atom is beyond human comprehension!
The universe does not necessarily serve us, but it provides all which is needed…and more.
There was no "truth" in the MATRIX movie, per se.
There was a LOT of subliminal programming and suggestion which was most effective!
what are the letters betwee Q and V
can you imagine a word to spell with those letters
masks off___
Read of Tesla. He is the real deal! Don't waste time with the hucksters on the internet, although there are a few who acknowledge and are trying to continue Tesla's work…one hundred years later!
MONEY??? There ain't no stinking money.
there is only POWER, and ILLUSION.
It was shown before, that “IN GOD WE TRUST” is more accurately translated to “IN THE VATICAN WE ESTATE” which is found on every FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE, and above Podium in the House of Representatives. The same entity owns the Federal Reserve System (a private corporation) and The House of Representatives. EINs for the Federal Reserve System, the White House, Congress, and House of Representatives showing they are separate corporate entities.
Give me 10.000 monopoly paper pieces for each purple post please, mister ultra faggot
Das called the reality you are experiencing "the beautiful lie"
do you know why earthicans love meat? It's the taste of PAIN!
YOU create your own reality…but you are HIGHLY suggestible.
Childish in so many ways…and you adults are children who never grew up…to reality…all busy telling each other the "beautiful lie".
More along the lines of "wishful thinking".
Ask your average worker drone what they would do if tomorrow morning they won the lottery and received a BAJILLION dollars.
Now, study the answers and see what I mean.
Illusions upon illusions.
stupid little children…under the care of the
I don't know what's wrong with Harvey, doctor…he's not ACTING NORMAL
No adult thinks twice about letting the honeybee toil and labor all summer…collecting the pollen…and in the autumn, the hooded beekeeper comes and takes the whole fucking honeycomb. Which of you morns for the honeybee? Which of you thinks twice of the theft of labor which has occurred?
Zoom out, google earth style and look at the macro picture. You are the drone bees and you are harvested of your energy and labor at regular intervals, julst like our friend the honeybee. Is the a difference morality-wise? Is our theft greater than yours? Because you have an intermediary and buy your honey from a middleman, is there any difference? You american drones…has your life not been made easier by harvesting the sweat and tears of your chinese brothers??
and whenever there are inequities, we are there…getting our "cut"
Yes…one will catch more flies with honey than faeces. Construct the cages with some creature comforts, and they will "lock" themselves in.
And then advance that, rather than a literal "garden of eden", the planet is a scary, scary place.
Who doesn't want someone else to "assure" their safety.
The irony is that you are best able to effect the change you espouse NOW…as a slave…since you truly have so little to lose.
Seriously, what is stopping you from acting NOW…instead of when you receive your BAJILLION dollar payout
mind/body/spirit social complex becomes a social memory complex when its entire group of entities are of one orientation or seeking. The group memory lost to the individuals in the roots of the tree of mind then become[s] known to the social complex, thus creating a social memory complex. The advantages of this complex are the relative lack of distortion in understanding the social beingness and the relative lack of distortion in pursuing the direction of seeking, for all understanding/distortions are available to the entities of the society.
Why does a small child study an anthill intently…and then smash it under his heel? That universal unknown.