>>12686763 pb
Well, if Slo Joe ain't getting no briefings then perhaps something is coming down the pike………………….for him.
>>12686763 pb
Well, if Slo Joe ain't getting no briefings then perhaps something is coming down the pike………………….for him.
Yep, played once again by the old, white, male, liberal infrastructure that have used stupid asses like her for fucking decades. Watch, they are going to turn on each other.
KMFAO!!!! Ted gett'n under that fuck seth rosen's worthless skin!!!!
So anons. Is the "Military the only way" still? You hang'n or not?
That, we will anon. Just trying to take the temp here with the board.
KMFAO!!! I hear ya. You're right, you know.
Man, you ain't lying about that one. The whole fucking thing is as rancid as a carcass that's been sitting out in the sun for days. So damn bad the fucking vultures won't touch it. God help US.
Well, that shit ain't gonna cut it. There won't be a country left by then.
Very high ranking!!! Fucking art in motion. Women.
Parents not paying attention leaving the education system to raise their kids. Education indoctrination began in the university system but over the years it has infiltrated all the way down to the pre-school kindergarten level. Frankfurt School professors told us that the younger we can get them, the better. They were right of course.
KMFAO!!!! He ain't destitute anon!!! He's doing just fine. By the way Jim, FUCK YOU!!!