Anonymous ID: f46c6b May 1, 2018, 10:38 p.m. No.1269558   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don't see it as orchestrated by the Rothschilds/Soros to that fine degree. I see it more as, corruption and compromise (of spirit) begets more corruption and compromise. Similar to how a lethal virus spreads, from one host to another. Say you had a young PolySci student at Reed College in the 70's who had become infected with the hyper liberalism of the day. The student writes a crackpot (radical) thesis about gender identity in America that connects with the eternal struggle of the working class. Naturally, it is published, and becomes a sensation among the similarly minded looking for a new ideological "high." Because the infected network closely, they have connections to the spiderweb of intermediary controllers (academia, politicians, journalists, media, pop culture celebs), and eventually the Rothschilds, who then promote, encourage, and support that latest wedge issue, until 20 or 30 years later that idiotic concept is part of the body politic.