Anonymous ID: ffe85f Jan. 23, 2021, 8:03 p.m. No.12690817   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12690383 (lb)

This chart is complete bullshit.


Glorifying socialism as an advanced/higher plane of consciousness completely disregards the fundamental principles of humanity. You are attempting to remove humanity from the equation, in a way that is inherently dehumanizing. (Implying human beings are an inferior species that need to be evolved, extinguished, or controlled.)


God himself granted human beings the gift of personal freedom, not simply as a metric to determine admission into his kingdom, but because it would provide the conditions to gestate the most pure incidents of Good. Beings that embrace his Word not because they are biologically compelled, but because they chose to over an infinite number of possible alternatives.


(As long as humans are granted Free Will by God, there will be both Good and Evil in this world, to varying degrees. The question is which one has dominion over the People.)


And because this choice is a decision and not a compulsion, and a decision born out of an infinite sea of possibilities, the Human Being’s choice to be Good also has an infinite limit. We can strive to be as Good as Jesus (and fail) because our dial has not been preset by the Divine Father.


All of that aside, what also makes this infographic complete and utter bullshit is the fact that as the “Consciousness” is raised, it cites Earthly civilizations as prime examples of the correlated philosophy of “Higher Consciousness.” All of the examples provide are not only substandard civilizations, riddled with injustice and corruption, but in some cases even failed post-industrial societies.


So whether or not this infographic is meant to infer ET’s, the inclusion of secular Earth civilizations as a means of comparison for “advanced consciousness” is absolutely comical.


Simply put, this is half-assed propaganda— and I will not tolerate it.


Good day, Sir!