Anonymous ID: 817615 Jan. 23, 2021, 9:16 p.m. No.12691561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1586 >>1953

This is what happens when both parties are run by bootlickers. Trump got played just as much as we’ve been played. Ahhhh the life of a Goyim …


Netanyahu gives hero’s embrace to US Jew who spied on the U.S.



American Israel supporters regularly tell us that it is in the U.S. national interest to support Israel right or wrong and give the country $4 billion in aid a year. Rep. Ted Deutch said it last week,


“Some of my colleagues want to shift the conversation on Israel and talk about withholding aid and punitive measures. It’s up to all of us to explain why it’s not in our interest to do that. . . I don’t think it’s in our interest to start putting restrictions on aid that might impact Israel’s ability to protect innocent civilians.”

Actually US interests and Israeli ones depart all the time from one another, and Netanyahu just underlined the fact, embracing a guy whom seven secretaries of Defense said they didn’t want freed because he had committed such serious offenses.


Americans died because of Pollard’s crimes, according to prosecutor Joseph DiGenova (in the Los Angeles Times):


DiGenova said that U.S. intelligence authorities suspect that some of the material obtained from Pollard was bartered to the Soviet Union in return for the release of Soviet Jews to Israel, and that U.S. intelligence “assets” in the Soviet Union were compromised and possibly killed as a result.

Pollard was freed from prison five years ago but lived under travel restrictions. Trump lifted those restrictions a few weeks ago, and today we learn that Pollard was flown to Israel on a plane owned by Sheldon Adelson, the biggest Republican donor, whose only issue is Israel.


Adelson has said that he wishes he had served in the Israeli army not the American army.


And Trump has fulfilled every pro-Israel Ask on Adelson’s wishlist in exchange for 100s of millions of campaign contributions — from killing the Iran deal to legalizing illegal Israel settlements to defunding Palestinian refugees to moving the Embassy to Jerusalem. The only thing Trump hasn’t delivered is a war with Iran, but he’s got a few weeks to go. . .


“One of, if not THE, biggest American political donors gave a VERY expensive ride to a man convicted of espionage against the United States. This seems like a big deal,” says Eli Clifton.


No, it’s just the ongoing scandal in plain sight: the Israel lobby using money to sway U.S. Middle East policy, against the best interests of the American people.


Netanyahu once said the U.S. is “something that can be easily moved,” and he appears to know what he is talking about. As Susan Abulhawa commented today, “Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and Julian Assange are locked up and/or in fear for their lives, while this criminal gets a free pass to go colonize in my homeland.”

Anonymous ID: 817615 Jan. 23, 2021, 9:52 p.m. No.12691933   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jumpin’ Jesus on a pogo stick, if this is ‘military intelligence’ then we’re fucked. No wonder we haven’t won a war since wipin’ the floor with those Bolshevik Serbian fucks 20+ years ago. This is mossad cucked AJONES level shit right here. Oh vey …


“Be careful who you follow. Some are profiting off this movement.”


Fine example of Russian Jew propaganda. If the C_A just stayed focused on our goddamn foreign enemies, then maybe ol’ Murica might be in better shape today.


Logical thinkin’ out the window. Russian Jews insert Russian disinfo into the American hemisphere via commie Christopher Steele to derail Trump’s campaign, then, their commie partner in crime, China, takes Trump down for being too hard on the socialist bitches. But we support Putin for what reason?? Oh right, we’re cucked by Bolshevik Jews.


Jewish roots of Russian president Vladimir Putin.


Putin’s maternal grandfather was a Jew involved in the bolshevik revolution, his paternal grandfather worked all his life as the chef of Lenin and Stalin. His paternal grandfather, Spiridon Ivanovich Putin (1879–1965), was employed at Vladimir Lenin‘s dacha at Gorki as a cook, and after Lenin’s death in 1924, he continued to work for Lenin’s wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya. He would later cook for Joseph Stalinwhen the Soviet leader visited one of his dachas in the Moscow region. Spiridon later was employed at a dacha belonging to the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, at which the young Putin would visit him.


His other grandfather was a jew from a Ukranian village and a bolshevik activist.

Putin was put into power by the Federation Of Jewish Organizations In Russia. The Jewish Chairman of this organization Abramovich stated in a 2005 interview that Putin could obtain Israeli citizenship if he wanted as an ethnic Jew. And that his mother was a Jew Shelomova. This makes Putin full Jewish by Jewish law.



Just look at Putin’s face and ears closely; he is no more a Christian than Benjamin Netanyahu. He is just another crypto Jew, having conveniently converted to Orthodox Christianity. How convenient. As the New Republic’s Julia Ioffe notes, a number of his closest confidants, as well as the Judo teacher who served as a mentor and surrogate father, are Jews. Moreover, Putin's closest associate and prime-minister of Russia, Dmitriy Medvedev is also a Jew. Vladimir Putin is just another manipulative, greedy, demonic, billionaire, oligarch Jew – who is deceiving everyone in Russia.