Anonymous ID: 1f4c55 May 1, 2018, 11 p.m. No.1269695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

tnx baker


>>1269235 (prev bread)

This has been on my mind the last few weeks; how far are you able to program people and how deep are you able to plant a trigger subconsciously?


Also, what triggers have been conveyed through MSM/Public Education/Internet the last few decades? Is it possible entire populations have been programmed that they are simply going about, waiting for that trigger word or action that propells them into action?

Anonymous ID: 1f4c55 May 2, 2018, 1:25 a.m. No.1270248   🗄️.is 🔗kun


notables so far



>>1269701 Intel for Planefags, >>1269760

>>1269711 Old MSM Pervert Convicted For Voyeurism

>>1269719 Mick Mulvaney, in the process of uncovering Elizabeth's Warren Corrupt CFPB fund, attacked by 6 Democratic senators.

>>1269745 5.1 mag earthquake close to Yasuj (Northern/Central Iran), >>1269753, >>1269774, >>1269774

>>1269786 Trump already met Kim back in October, '17 (privately)

>>1269849 Satan's Three Lies

>>1269979 Questions reveal answers: Mueller's questions for Trump

>>1269928 U1: Where does EU fit in?

>>1269949 Redpilling Your Mom: Why Would You Talk About Wine That Way..?

>>1269960 More Planespots, >>1270123, >>1270150

>>1270011 Easter Island Earthquakes

>>1270058 Comey visits WH: Why wouldn't Mueller want to know about that?

>>1270070 That's A Lot Of Questions, Anon, >>1270071, >>1270073, >>1270074, >>1270076

>>1270114 The Potomac River through the middle of the circle.

>>1270178 Netsweeper Inc, Canadian Censorship Company

>>1270204 The Arabian Sea

>>1270225 EU-Iran Money Hustle