Anonymous ID: e12dcf May 1, 2018, 11:56 p.m. No.1269949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9962 >>0248


>>1269590 (prev bread)

>Alefantis's pig farm


Here's a short review of a Sonoma wine. It reads like cheap satanic porn. This was what red-pilled my mom: "why would anyone talk about wine that way?" Why indeed.


https: //


Larger context, in brief:

>remembered an old connection was an intern in Bill Clinton's WH, decided to dig

>visit his SocMed: Silicon Valley tech elite. Worked for MicroSoft, Cisco, Mergers&Acquisitions, and now new Cloud stuff connected with RED CROSS

>despite being well off, wife was just arrested for 2 DUI's, one in our hometown (visiting in-laws I presume) at 9:30 IN THE MORNING. Things have to be pretty bad to drive drunk in the am.

>His twitter has only one of two types of tweets: stock anti-trump shit a la Maggie Haberman et al, and CREEPY tweets about food and wine, much of which is wildly expensive ($3,000/bottle). Subtle nods on creep factor tho, not like Tony Podesta instagram or anything, but if you know what to look for, it's there.


The "you may also like" twitter accounts suggested were at times suspicious. One took me to a mexican porn site. (Cali is a hub of trafficking, esp from south of border). Another took me to HNWI and UHNWI sites (“high new worth individuals,” half a billion minimum entry. I’m guessing high profile ppl are funneling through this system. The Spirit Cooking parties of the West coast elite? Will put on pizzagate thread, but wanting to watch planefags chase wizards and warlocks with you guise.


One last thing: pic is from a site I haven’t archived yet, so will hold off on sauce. It’s one of the restaurants bumped on his twitter. Pics are from the NY location, but they have one in SF. And yeah, they have special events where they go up to Sonoma. The coffin-cross table is in the “special events” section of the site.

Anonymous ID: e12dcf May 2, 2018, 12:23 a.m. No.1270052   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ty anon. I start a new job assignment this week and won't have as much dig in me till summer. I've got like 50 pages of this stuff, but not org'd, or archived. Here are some pics from his twitter. Once you switch brain into pedo researcher mode, those 2 food pics are awful. Also a blurb on one of the cult wineries that's suspect: "Screaming," "Scare," DiBlasio… On their own maybe nothing, but put it all together and…. no coincidences, right?

Anonymous ID: e12dcf May 2, 2018, 12:41 a.m. No.1270106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0128 >>0161 >>0166 >>0172 >>0202 >>0251


The chans are gathering places of independent thinkers who already were red-pilled on most of the things civilians could be. I think that was a big part. Then the way they memed Trump into office was impressive, the "spontaneous organization" @Snowden talked


High-functioning autists are usually pretty high IQ. Add that to our ability to perseverate (obsess on one thing to the exclusion of all else) and to connect many disparate dots into one picture, we make useful researchers. This anon was a once a pharma researcher, every project leader wanted the autists. We generally didn't care about credit, just the work. Thus everyone here is "anon."


But I think you're also right that autists are less hypnotizable. Literal minded, data-centered, not very good at lying, and hate lies. When you lie to an autist, it really pissed them off. I'd rather be alone than surrounded by lies. The matrix of mainstream society is one complex net of lies.


That fire of hating the lie gives us steam to keep fighting the liars even when we get down. It does me anyway.

Anonymous ID: e12dcf May 2, 2018, 1:24 a.m. No.1270246   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You never know anon. NSA sees all.

You may just get a letter in the mail one day.


Man, that night when an Anon realized Q was talking to @Snowden about "should apply to the NSA." That was up there with 2016 election highs wasn't it?

Anonymous ID: e12dcf May 2, 2018, 1:34 a.m. No.1270278   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ty anon


>nice view up here

Gotta love Q's sense of humor.



Could be anybody(s). Tons of persons of interest in that area. I liked the idea of Alefantis's pig farm being a target tho.


Bedtime. I leave you with a pick-me-up from Rocketman. Fresh MAGA is best MAGA.

Anonymous ID: e12dcf May 2, 2018, 1:58 a.m. No.1270335   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>JPet: The truth is something that burns. That burns off deadwood.


Yeah I got a few pieces of "deadwood" in mind. How many now, over 30,000?


That was fun anon, Ty. Glad I stayed up a little longer to watch. That whole Pinocchio series he referenced was really good.