their methods are very simple.
make up some effort that embodies a lie.
repeat crap phrasing words enough till others start repeating them too.
make up a horid narrative of division.
repeat it over and over using the new made up words.
even if pepole say 'oh no, this is fake' and show good evidence (good evidence?)
insist that whatever conclusin is desired is still true.
do this without ever faultering from the scripted narration of falsehood.
act as if everyone knows this is foregone conclusin, even when no one does.
repeat it always. Never go off message.
act on the 'truth' of it, even when it's known false.
no one believes them anymore. their methods don't work at all because in the past they could fool more than half the people, and the rest would be like 'ok, must be true. I won't make waves'.
now it is all false: eerything they push and promote and all their narrations are falsified in very very obvious ways ( anyone human can easily see the falsehoods, and pick apart the false assumptions upon which the narrative is founded.)
they have no one believing them anymore, none.
and thus they have no one who is fooled.
and if they proceed it will seem to all to be a false procession.
they have gotten to the precipice. If they take it any farther they need to have a helicopter.
if they go off in that no one expects them ever to return.
and yet they persist with the falseness and mean.