Anonymous ID: d8bd0b Jan. 24, 2021, 10:55 a.m. No.12697719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7837 >>7904 >>7920 >>7960

For 1st Black Pentagon chief, racism challenge is personal


WASHINGTON — Newly confirmed Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will have to contend not only with a world of security threats and a massive military bureaucracy, but also with a challenge that hits closer to home: rooting out racism and extremism in the ranks.


Austin took office Friday as the first Black defense chief, in the wake of the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, where retired and current military members were among the rioters touting far-right conspiracies.


The retired four-star Army general told senators this week that the Pentagon’s job is to “keep America safe from our enemies. But we can’t do that if some of those enemies lie within our own ranks.”


Ridding the military of racists isn’t his only priority. Austin, who was confirmed in a 93-2 vote, has made clear that accelerating delivery of coronavirus vaccines will get his early attention.


But the racism issue is personal. At Tuesday’s confirmation hearing, he explained why.


In 1995, when then-Lt. Col. Austin was serving with the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, three white soldiers, described as self-styled skinheads, were arrested in the murder of a Black couple who was walking down the street. Investigators concluded the two were targeted because of their race.


The killing triggered an internal investigation, and all told, 22 soldiers were linked to skinhead and other similar groups or found to hold extremist views. They included 17 who were considered white supremacists or separatists.

Anonymous ID: d8bd0b Jan. 24, 2021, 10:57 a.m. No.12697732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7920

28 times media and Democrats excused or endorsed violence committed by left-wing activists


Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted to fit their narrative.


On Wednesday, a mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol building. It was an astonishing display of anarchic protest that delayed congressional certification of the Electoral College vote formally handing former Vice President Joe Biden the keys to the White House.


The scenes from the dark day of disaster demonstrations illustrated a deteriorating country, repulsed millions, and traumatized a nation still recovering from the death, despair, and disruption that came to define the dystopian months of 2020. Above all, what happened Wednesday served as a grim reminder that the institutional stress test of 2020 has followed us into 2021.


For the left, however, the chaos at the Capitol has opened an opportunity to refute the perception they own the monopoly on widespread political violence. Democrats and left-wing media elites have already capitalized on the violent outbreak, where four people died, to characterize conservatives as the creatures of chaos.


At this point, it’s undeniable that the political far-right calls home to its own Antifa-like anarchists. It is also undeniable, however, that reaction to the protests from conservative leaders roundly condemning the violence from their own side stands in remarkable contrast to the way Democrats and corporate media spent months going out of their way attempting to justify the deadly actions of militant leftists.


Not one prominent conservative pundit or politician with any significant platform was reported to have tried endorsing the mob of Trump supporters infiltrating the U.S. Capitol. To the contrary, conservatives spent months vilifying Democratic leaders for not doing enough in their own states and cities to crack down on the militant mobs of leftists taking streets under siege, normalizing the kind of political violence on track to appear routine in the nightmare 2020 decade.


It was only seven months ago that Washington D.C. was last on fire.


A trip down memory lane chronicling the left’s reaction to last year’s eruption of unrest claiming the lives of at least 30 people not only exposes the hypocrisy suffusing Democrats’ condemnation of political violence, but also illustrates a sobering reality that there’s plenty of blame to go around for the situation in which the United States now finds itself.

  1. Kamala Harris Urges Followers to Cover Rioters’ Bail


Incoming Vice President Kamala Harris encouraged her supporters last summer to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which provided bail money to the militant anarchists facing charges for setting fire to Minneapolis.

Anonymous ID: d8bd0b Jan. 24, 2021, 10:59 a.m. No.12697754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7920

Back to the Obama’s Failed Policies and Blinkered Personnel


Donald J. Trump has been the most consequential President in my lifetime since Ronald Reagan. Issues & Insights counts some of the ways, listing the 10 most significant.


"He slashed individual and business taxes, he forged peace in the Middle East, He created Operation Warp Speed, which “may well end up saving hundreds of thousands of lives in coming years,” he deregulated our economy, saving “the average American household an average of $3,100 a year,” he got rid of Obama’s individual mandate, he restored balance on the Supreme Court, he forced NATO to reform and in so doing “likely saved the West’s main military alliance,” he encouraged U.S. energy independence so that we are “one of the only major countries whose CO2 emissions are plunging, with output now at the lowest levels since 1984,” he reformed immigration and built more than 450 miles of wall “to control entrance to our nation," he withdrew from the Paris Climate Deal which commits only major industrial nations to shrink their economies.


An email to Glenn Reynolds measures President Trump’s achievements in yet another important way:


Trump showed that the annihilation of the American middle class was not the result of inevitable forces. Technological change and globalization are not weather or the movement of tectonic plates. The economy, and who gets what from whom, is embedded in political choices. Who pays the costs and who reaps the benefits are political choices. Who is crushed by the legal system and who benefits from it, and who is insulated from it, are also political choices. Trump will never be forgiven for showing normal people that their destruction, and the enrichment of other people, who despise everything that they love, believe in, and care about, is a policy decision. Trump showed other choices are possible.


Having seen once how it actually works, we can never unsee it.


That is Trump’s greatest achievement.


His successor was sworn in this week behind 12-foot fences topped with razor wire and in the presence of over twenty thousand troops, a show of force and as well of the insecurity of his administration. It is unlikely he would have had a cheering crowd of thousands on hand in any event.


Biden shares with Obama his demonstrated disregard for the troops, some 200 of which have now tested positive for COVID, by requiring loyalty checks on them and forcing 5000 of them from the Capitol to camp out in an unheated parking garage with no internet reception, a single toilet, and only one electric outlet. (Trump has invited them to house at his hotel near the White House.) Three governors were so disgusted with Biden’s treatment of their troops they withdrew them: Ron De Santis (Florida), Greg Abbott (Texas), and Chris Sununu (New Hampshire).

Anonymous ID: d8bd0b Jan. 24, 2021, 11 a.m. No.12697763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7920

Cancel Culture Intensifies


It may be too strong to say that a specter of uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions is haunting the Western democracies, but two interrelated issues are cause for concern. One is the apprehension that the West is erasing too readily historical landmarks or individuals that are regarded as inimical to certain modern sensibilities or is downplaying past achievements while other factors are considered more important. The second is the emergence of a "counterculture" — not simply the lack of commitment to a common culture, but a modern form of ostracism removing or downgrading people, expressions, and ideas deemed offensive or problematic or not politically correct to particular groups or to social or professional circles.


Changes in culture in the U.S. may be illuminated or inferred from two recent events. One is the dilemma of the football team, the Washington Redskins, once the Boston Braves, presently known as the Washington Football Team until an inoffensive name is found. The other pertains to the symbolism of Winston Churchill. In 2001, the bust of Churchill was loaned by Prime Minister Tony Blair to President George W. Bush, who put it in the Oval Office. The bust was removed by President Obama in 2009 and was reinstated by President Trump in 2017. On his first day in office, President Biden removed the bust from the Oval Office and replaced it with images of Martin Luther King, Jr.; Rosa Parks; Robert Kennedy; and Cesar Chávez. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is not alone in seeing this new removal as a "snub to Britain."


A new development in Britain raises the issue of intellectual cultural amnesia or a lack of commitment to a historic culture. It stems from the decision of the University of Leicester, which issued an extraordinary statement denying that it was dropping Geoffrey Chaucer from its English courses because Chaucer was "too white." University plans had been revealed that he was being replaced by teaching modules on race, ethnicity, diversity, and sexuality. Such courses, a decolonized curriculum, according to university officials, would match students' own interests and enthusiasms. This means that programs will be offered in English literature from "Shakespeare to Bernadine Evaristo," the author who in 2019 is the first black woman to win the Booker Prize, the leading literary award in the English-speaking world. However, cuts in the programs will be made affecting John Milton's Paradise Lost, poems of John Donne, and Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur.


It may be admitted that readers of Chaucer are a minority cult, and that few are engaged in seeking adventure or glory in noble deeds as are the knights of Malory, but Chaucer is generally considered the father of English literature with his immortal work The Canterbury Tales. He was the first person to be buried in Westminster Abbey in the area known as Poet's Corner. The decision of Leicester University is not simply another example of "cancel culture," but also disregarding valuable information of early British history.

Anonymous ID: d8bd0b Jan. 24, 2021, 11:04 a.m. No.12697804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7912 >>7920

The Democrats’ First Bill of 2021 Is to Lock In Fraudulent Elections Forever


The fraud in this past election was massive, the worst ever in recorded history, but it is nothing when compared to what the Democrat (Communist) Party has in store for the future of the USA and the world.


In their first act, this Congress led by true communists apparently, is ready to pass a bill allowing all future elections in the USA to be run exactly the same as any communist regime in history.


The Populist Press is reporting the first bill put together by this Pelosi-led Congress will eliminate free and fair elections forever. Fraud will be the mandate and Democrats, the kings of fraud, will win every election henceforth. The bill is labeled by the Communist Democrats – “For the People Act of 2021“.


Below are the key aspects of the bill as noted by the Populist Press:


Democrats introduce their first bill in the House: H.R.1 – The bill that will destroy America. Nationwide mail-in voting, banning restrictions on ballot harvesting, banning voter ID, criminal voters,DC Statehood roadwork, it’s all in here.


1) Internet-only registration with electronic signature submission.


“(a) Requiring Availability Of Internet For Online Registration.—Each State, acting through the chief State election official, shall ensure that the following services are available to the public at any time on the official public websites of the appropriate State and local election officials in the State, in the same manner and subject to the same terms and conditions as the services provided by voter registration agencies under section 7(a):


“(1) Online application for voter registration.


2) Banning the requirement to provide a full SSN for voter registration.


SEC. 1005. PROHIBITING STATE FROM REQUIRING APPLICANTS TO PROVIDE MORE THAN LAST 4 DIGITS OF SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. (a) Form Included With Application For Motor Vehicle Driver’s License.—Section 5(c)(2)(B)(ii) of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 U.S.C. 20504(c)(2)(B)(ii)) is amended by striking the semicolon at the end and inserting the following: “, and to the extent that the application requires the applicant to provide a Social Security number, may not require the applicant to provide more than the last 4 digits of such number;”.


3) Nationwide ‘Motor Voter’ registration.


Note that motor voter registration is how thousands of illegal became registered voters in California and Nevada.


(2) DEFINITION.—The term “automatic registration” means a system that registers an individual to vote in elections for Federal office in a State, if eligible, by electronically transferring the information necessary for registration from government agencies to election officials of the State so that, unless the individual affirmatively declines to be registered, the individual will be registered to vote in such elections.


4) 16 year olds required to be registered to vote.


(d) Treatment Of Individuals Under 18 Years Of Age.—A State may not refuse to treat an individual as an eligible individual for purposes of this part on the grounds that the individual is less than 18 years of age at the time a contributing agency receives information with respect to the individual, so long as the individual is at least 16 years of age at such time. Nothing in the previous sentence may be construed to require a State to permit an individual who is under 18 years of age at the time of an election for Federal office to vote in the election.


5) Nationwide same-day registration.


“(1) REGISTRATION.—Each State shall permit any eligible individual on the day of a Federal election and on any day when voting, including early voting, is permitted for a Federal election—


“(A) to register to vote in such election at the polling place using a form that meets the requirements under section 9(b) of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (or, if the individual is already registered to vote, to revise any of the individual’s voter registration information); and


“(B) to cast a vote in such election.


6) Grants ($25M) for using minors in election activities.


(1) IN GENERAL.—The Election Assistance Commission (hereafter in this section referred to as the “Commission”) shall make grants to eligible States to enable such States to carry out a plan to increase the involvement of individuals under 18 years of age in public election activities in the State.


7) More children voters.


“(k) Acceptance Of Applications From Individuals Under 18 Years Of Age.—



Anonymous ID: d8bd0b Jan. 24, 2021, 11:12 a.m. No.12697873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7885 >>8117

Here Are 18 Ways Trump Did the Opposite of Drain the Swamp During His Presidency


  1. Nominating Industry Insiders


From the moment he took office it was clear that Donald Trump was going to continue the practice of his predecessors and continue the revolving door relationship between government and corporations. As I wrote in March 2018:


“President Donald Trump nominated Peter C. Wright to be the assistant administrator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM). The nomination of Wright is another indication that the Trump administration will continue the practice of nominating industry insiders and corporate lawyers to positions of power.


In addition to his work with Dow, Wright’s LinkedIn page lists him as an Environmental Attorney for Monsanto from 1989 to 1996. Wright’s association with The Dow Chemical Company and Monsanto— corporations known for producing hazardous chemicals and pesticides along with genetically engineered seeds— could be an indication that the Trump Administration may have a sympathetic ear for these industries. If so, it would be the continuation of a trend that has extended through the last few American presidencies.”


  1. Cozy with Big Oil


One of the most obvious areas where Trump was in bed with the corporations is the oil industry. In his first week in office Trump issued an Executive Order to fast track the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline, a project that has a legacy of oil leaks and militarized police. Additionally, Trump passed Executive Orders which said the pipelines, roads, and railways along the border will take no more than 60 days to be approved or denied and that the decision will now come directly from the President himself, effectively giving the president unilateral powers for approving oil projects.


In March 2019 further evidence was revealed after conversations between Interior Secretary David Bernhardt and oil executives were leaked. In a secret recording obtained by Reveal, oil executives can be heard discussing David Bernhardt and celebrating the access they currently have to the Trump Administration. The recording took place during a 2017 Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPPA) meeting in Southern California.


  1. Cozy with Big Pharma


Another massive indicator that Trump continued the practice of allowing the corporations to regulate themselves was his appointment of various cronies of Big Pharma. In 2017, Trump chose Alex Azar for Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. The nominee immediately came under scrutiny for his former connections to the pharmaceutical industry.


Azar formerly served as U.S. Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services under George W. Bush from 2005 to 2007. In June 2007, Azar began working as a lobbyist for pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and Company. Azar also served as Eli Lilly’s spokesman as its Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Communications. Beginning January 1, 2012, Azar was promoted to President of Lilly USA, LLC, the largest division of Eli Lilly and Company – a position which put him in charge of Eli Lilly’s entire U.S. operation.



This trend continued into 2020, when Trump appointed Dr. Moncef Slaoui to the head of his Operation Warp Speed – itself an example of the worst kinds of public private partnerships. Slaoui has extensive ties to the pharmaceutical industry and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As I reported in May 2020:


  1. Support for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


Dr. Slaoui was not the only connection to the Gates Foundation we saw from the Trump administration. In October, the NIH signed contracts with companies connected to DARPA, Big Tech, and the Gates Foundation.


Additionally, the Trump administration signed off on giving billions of taxpayer dollars to the Gates founded and funded GAVI, the Global Vaccine Alliance.


  1. Ending Investigations Into Pesticide Dangers


The Trump admin faced lawsuits from activist groups for ending ongoing investigations into the dangers of pesticides.

Anonymous ID: d8bd0b Jan. 24, 2021, 11:28 a.m. No.12698023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8285

Trump To Be Sworn In 19th President of Restored Republic! NCSWIC! Must See Latest Lin Wood Interview

Anonymous ID: d8bd0b Jan. 24, 2021, 11:30 a.m. No.12698063   🗄️.is 🔗kun

23 Iraqi Fighters Killed, Injured In Large ISIS Attack In Saladin


Late on January 23, 11 fighters of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) were killed and 12 others were injured in a large ISIS attack in the northern province of Saladin.


The attack took place in Jazzerat al-‘Aith in the eastern part of the province. In a statement, the PMU said ISIS terrorists were planning to attack civilians in the region. However, the attack was foiled by its fighters.


“The terrorist attack was targeting the region’s civilians, however the heroes of the PMU were human shields to protect them,” the statement reads.


All casualties were from the PMU’s 22th Brigade. Two of the casualties were Hussein Su’aidan Kati’a, commander of the brigade’s 3rd regiments, and Saleh Majhul Ateh, deputy-commander of the 6th regiments.


Maj. Gen. Yehia Rasool, a spokesman for the Iraqi Commander-in-Chief, condemned the attack, promising that the Iraqi military will respond.


“Let the members of ISIS terrorist gang know that retribution will inevitably come, when this happens remorse will not help them,” Rasool said in a statement.


From its side, ISIS bragged about the attack in a statement shared by its news agency, Amaq. The group claimed that eight vehicles were damaged or destroyed in the attack.


The deadly terrorist attack in Saladin came amid high tensions in Iraq between pro-Iran Shiite factions and the US-led coalition.


On January 23, ISIS terrorists attacked the PMU’s 22nd Brigade in the east of Saladin province killing at least 11 PMU members. 17 ISIS terrorists were killed in clashes.

On January 23, the ‘al-Waada al-Haq’ group took responsibility for the drone attack on Riyadh.

On January 23, ISIS claimed responsibility for an IED attack that targeted an Iraqi army vehicle in the Rutbah area.


ISIS cells are taking advantage of the unrest in Iraq to step up their attacks, especially in the country’s northern and western region. The government is yet to address this threat properly.

Anonymous ID: d8bd0b Jan. 24, 2021, 11:33 a.m. No.12698093   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another Mega Group Spy Scandal? Samanage, Sabotage, And The SolarWinds Hack


In mid-December of 2020, a massive hack compromised the networks of numerous US federal agencies, major corporations, the top five accounting firms in the country, and the military, among others. Despite most US media attention now focusing on election-related chaos, the fallout from the hack continues to make headlines day after day.


The hack, which affected Texas-based software provider SolarWinds, was blamed on Russia on January 5 by the US government’s Cyber Unified Coordination Group. Their statement asserted that the attackers were “likely Russian in origin,” but they failed to provide evidence to back up that claim.


Since then, numerous developments in the official investigation have been reported, but no actual evidence pointing to Russia has yet to be released. Rather, mainstream media outlets began reporting the intelligence community’s “likely” conclusion as fact right away, with the New York Times subsequently reporting that US investigators were examining a product used by SolarWinds that was sold by a Czech Republic–based company, as the possible entry point for the “Russian hackers.” Interest in that company, however, comes from the fact that the attackers most likely had access to the systems of a contractor or subsidiary of SolarWinds. This, combined with the evidence-free report from US intelligence on “likely” Russian involvement, is said to be the reason investigators are focusing on the Czech company, though any of SolarWinds’ contractors/subsidiaries could have been the entry point.


Such narratives clearly echo those that became prominent in the wake of the 2016 election, when now-debunked claims were made that Russian hackers were responsible for leaked emails published by WikiLeaks. Parallels are obvious when one considers that SolarWinds quickly brought on the discredited firm CrowdStrike to aid them in securing their networks and investigating the hack. CrowdStrike had also been brought on by the DNC after the 2016 WikiLeaks publication, and subsequently it was central in developing the false declarations regarding the involvement of “Russian hackers” in that event.


There are also other parallels. As Russiagate played out, it became apparent that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and a foreign power, but the nation was Israel, not Russia. Indeed, many of the reports that came out of Russiagate revealed collusion with Israel, yet those instances received little coverage and generated little media outrage. This has led some to suggest that Russiagate may have been a cover for what was in fact Israelgate.


Similarly, in the case of the SolarWinds hack, there is the odd case and timing of SolarWinds’ acquisition of a company called Samanage in 2019. As this report will explore, Samanage’s deep ties to Israeli intelligence, venture-capital firms connected to both intelligence and Isabel Maxwell, as well as Samange’s integration with the Orion software at the time of the back door’s insertion warrant investigation every bit as much as SolarWinds’ Czech-based contractor.



Anonymous ID: d8bd0b Jan. 24, 2021, 11:34 a.m. No.12698101   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another Mysteriuos Explosion Rocked Turkish-Linked Oil Smugglers In Northern Aleppo


On January 24, another ‘mysterious explosion’ rocked the area of Tarhin in northern Aleppo, where facilities of Turkish-linked oil smuggers are based. The explosion caused fire near oil tankers and will likely lead to a significant damage.


This is not the first incident of this kind. On January 9, unidentified aircraft struck facilities and tankers of Turkish-linked oil smugglers near the village of Tarhin destroying multiple tankers and causing large fires there.


Such developments have already become an almost daily routine for Turkish proxies. Various ‘mysterious’ strikes and explosions hit Turkish-linked oil smuggling business in the area on a regular basis. Pro-militant sources blame the ‘Assad regime’ and the ‘coward Russians’.

Anonymous ID: d8bd0b Jan. 24, 2021, 11:36 a.m. No.12698126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8249

US ‘Plundering’ Syrian Oil to ‘Send to Israel’, Claims US Ex-Diplomat


Syria’s state-run media earlier reported that 200 troops had been flown to US bases in al-Shaddadi on 21 January for future deployment at Omar oil field and Koniko gas field in neighbouring Deir ez-Zor province. It was also reported that the US-led military coalition had dispatched 40 truckloads of weapons and logistical equipment to Hasakah.


The United States is plundering Syria’s natural resources to send them to other places that will benefit from American theft, claimed J. Michael Springmann, a former US diplomat in Saudi Arabia.


“The United States of America is moving soldiers from Iraq, which it is occupying, to Syria, which it continues to occupy, in order to steal Syrian oil from the Syrian people and to send the oil to somewhere else, presumably to the Apartheid entity (Israel) and other places that will benefit from American theft of Syrian oil,” the American political commentator and author was quoted as saying by Press TV on 23 January.


Responding to reports that the US military has transferred hundreds of troops from Iraq to Syria’s energy-rich northeastern province of Hasakah, Springmann, who was head of the American visa bureau in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, during the administrations of former presidents Reagan and Bush from September 1987 through March 1989, underscored:


“This is typical of the US and should be shown in contrast to 25,000 soldiers that were surrounding Joe Biden when he was being inaugurated, just a few days ago.”


Syria’s state-run television network reported earlier that 200 troops were flown to American bases in the town of al-Shaddadi onboard helicopters on 21 January.


The town lies some 60 kilometres south of the provincial capital Hasakah, where the US-led military coalition had dispatched 40 truckloads of weapons and logistical equipment, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), the Syrian government's official media outlet.


According to the reports, the forces are to be subsequently stationed at Omar oil field and Koniko gas field in neighbouring Deir ez-Zor province, as part of Washington’s ongoing moves aimed at wresting further control over oil reserves in Syria.

Anonymous ID: d8bd0b Jan. 24, 2021, 11:39 a.m. No.12698155   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel allows US to deploy Iron Dome batteries in Gulf


Israel has allowed the US to install its Iron Dome missile defense system in the Gulf region, Haaretz daily reported on Sunday, Anadolu reports.


"The United States is expected to soon begin deploying Iron Dome missile interceptor batteries, one of the jewels of Israel's arms manufacturing industry, in its bases in the Gulf states," Haaretz quoted an Israeli official as saying.


The daily said Washington got Israeli approval "to begin deploying the missile defense systems on American military bases in a number of countries, including in the Middle East, Europe and Far East."


However, it did not name the Gulf state that will host the Israeli defense system.


The development comes after Israel signed controversial US-brokered agreements last fall to establish diplomatic relations with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain.


Three weeks ago, Israel handed a second Iron Dome battery to the US under a 2019 agreement between the two countries.

Anonymous ID: d8bd0b Jan. 24, 2021, 12:08 p.m. No.12698436   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Free and Fair Elections Amendment


Free Speech For People’s constitutional amendment to end the dominance of big money in our elections.


Free Speech For People has developed the Free and Fair Elections Amendment to end the big money dominance of our elections. This proposed amendment sets limits on federal campaign contributions and spending; prohibits corporate spending in the political process (as existed prior to the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. FEC); requires Congress to develop a system of public campaign financing for all federal candidates who qualify for the ballot; and allows the States to set reasonable limits on campaign contributions and spending in state and local elections. The amendment overturns Citizens United and other Supreme Court rulings which have so threatened our democracy.


We also endorse the Democracy For All Amendment (S.J. Res. 51; H.J. Res. 2), which allows Congress and the States to set limits on campaign contributions and spending, and we endorse the We the People Amendment (H.J. Res. 48) which states, in part, that Congress shall regulate campaign contributions and spending. We believe the Free and Fair Elections Amendment is preferable because it will establish, upon enactment, key contribution and spending limits and it will ensure a strong public financing system for all federal candidates who qualify for the ballot, thereby leveling the playing field for candidates regardless of their access to wealth.