The beast reigns for a thousand years in most english translations. Whether this was literal or a metaphor (40 days and 40 nights meaning a long time, for example) is not entirely clear.
It is my observation that we were living under the beast, that is the church.
All of the kings were created by the church. This even extended into parts of asia (yue ying of China is often theorized to be someone of western lineage - mainly because her hair was noted as having a red color to it - there has been more western influence in the east than often assumed).
The seven hills in revelation were the seven hills of rome and its crowns kings/emperors of rome. Revelation was written in different symbolism from much of the rest of the biblical canon and was included by scholars commissioned to create the bible to legitimize and unify the church of rome with the pope as the effective emperor.
All of that was the reign of the beast and we are at its end. When the world is bathed in lies and those who tell truth are sacrificed.