Anonymous ID: ec826d Jan. 24, 2021, 12:40 p.m. No.12698650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8734

As Schools Reopen Amid COVID, Kids Forced to Kneel for Hours, Get No Recess, No Art, & No PE


“It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of education have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry; for this delicate plant, aside from stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom; without this it goes to wrack and ruin without fail. It is a very grave mistake to think that the enjoyment of seeing and searching can be promoted by means of coercion and a sense of duty.” –Albert Einstein


Standard education in America typically focuses on creating a supply of worker bees who follow orders from authority and operate within the confines that the system has set out, but lack critical thinking skills. Even before the insanity around COVID-19 lockdowns began, the results of such a system which suppresses and discourages creativity and imagination were already having a detrimental effect on children. Now, however, thanks to a set of often cruel and entirely arbitrary regulations, children across the planet are being severely harmed by government mandates, school regulations, and lockdowns.


Last month a study by researchers at the University of Cambridge found that the government-imposed lockdowns in response to the coronavirus pandemic cause significant harm to children’s mental health. The study, published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood, was the first of its kind to analyze data on younger children’s mental health before and during the first lockdown in the United Kingdom last spring.


Following 168 children between the ages of 7 ½ and 11 ½, the researchers conclude: “During the UK lockdown, children’s depression symptoms have increased substantially, relative to before lockdown. The scale of this effect has direct relevance for the continuation of different elements of lockdown policy, such as complete or partial school closures.”


They continue: “Specifically, we observed a statistically significant increase in ratings of depression, with a medium-to-large effect size. Our findings emphasise the need to incorporate the potential impact of lock-down on child mental health in planning the ongoing response to the global pandemic and the recovery from it.”


There are multiple other studies showing the same thing, including those from the CDC. Unfortunately, however, government seems entirely unconcerned with remedying the problem. And, as the following case out of Alaska illustrates, when children actually do go back to school, government imposes outright torturous and inhumane restrictions.

Anonymous ID: ec826d Jan. 24, 2021, 12:42 p.m. No.12698660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8679

Ray Dalio: "We Are On The Brink Of A Terrible Civil War"


It was over a decade ago that we first warned the Fed's unconstrained monetary lunacy will eventually result in civil war, a prediction for which Time magazine, which back then was still somewhat relevant, mocked us. This is what Time's Stephen Gendel said in October 2010:


What is the most likely cause of civil unrest today? Immigration. Gay marriage. Abortion. The results of Election Day. The mosque at Ground Zero. Nope.


Try the Federal Reserve. Nov. 3 is when the Federal Reserve’s next policy committee meeting ends, and if you thought this was just another boring money meeting you would be wrong. It could be the most important meeting in the Fed’s history, maybe. The U.S. central bank is expected to announce its next move to boost the faltering economic recovery. To say there has been considerable debate and anxiety among Fed watchers about what the central bank should do would be an understatement. Chairman Ben Bernanke has indicated in recent speeches that the central bank plans to try to drive down already low interest rates by buying up long-term bonds. A number of people both inside the Fed and out believe this is the wrong move. But one website seems to indicate that Ben’s plan might actually lead to armed conflict. Last week, a post on the blog Zero Hedge said … that the Fed’s plan is not only moronic, but “positions US society one step closer to civil war if not worse.”


* * *


The problem is that the Fed directly sets only short-term interest rates. And they are already about as close to zero as you can go. That’s why Bernanke has been talking about something called “quantitative easing.” That’s when the Fed basically creates money to buy the long-term bonds that it doesn’t directly control and drives down those interest rates as well. That should further reduce the cost of borrowing for large companies and homeowners. Some people are calling this “QE2” because the Fed made a similar move during the height of the financial crisis when it bought mortgage bonds. (See photos of the Tea Party movement)


Not everyone agrees this is a good move. In fact, a number of presidents of regional Fed banks, not all of which get to vote at Fed policy meetings, have recently come out against Bernanke’s plan. Some say it sets bad policy. Others think it will stoke inflation, which might be the point. Few, though, have warned of armed conflict. Here’s how Zero Hedge justifies its prediction of why the Fed’s Nov. 3 meeting will lead to violence:


In a very real sense, Bernanke is throwing Granny and Grandpa down the stairs – on purpose. He is literally threatening those at the lower end of the economic strata, along with all who are retired, with starvation and death, and in a just nation where the rule of law controlled instead of being abused by the kleptocrats he would be facing charges of Seditious Conspiracy, as his policies will inevitably lead to the destruction of our republic.


O.K. The idea that Bernanke might kill large swaths of low-income neighborhoods or Florida by his plan to further lower interest rates is a little ridiculous. But there is a point in Zero Hedge’s crazy. Lower rates do tend to favor borrowers over savers. And the largest borrowers in the country are banks, speculators and large corporations. The largest spenders in the U.S., though, tend to be individuals. Consumer spending makes up 70% of the economy. And the vast majority of consumers are on the low end of the income scale. So I think it is a valid question to ask whether the Fed’s desire to drive down interest rates at all costs is working. Companies are already borrowing at low rates. They are just not spending. (Read a special report on the financial crisis blame game)


That being said, civil war, probably not. “It is a gross exaggeration,” says Allan Meltzer, who is a top Fed historian at Carnegie Mellon. “I cannot recall ever learning about riots or civil war even when the Fed made other mistakes.”

Anonymous ID: ec826d Jan. 24, 2021, 1:01 p.m. No.12698849   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Law Professor Confirms Election Fraud Evidence Is “Significant” – Cases Only Dismissed on Process Grounds Not Merit


The liberal elites and fake news media are working feverishly to cover-up the BIG LIE.


Diana West wrote yesterday on how the jackal media and hyena politicians are tearing to pieces all opponents of the coup that installed the Biden-Harris gang into office.


The far-left power structure must eliminate all voices who may threaten theie BIG LIE. You are no longer allowed to question the historic fraud that installed a dementia patient and his unpopular California sidekick who refused to campaign into the White House.


But millions of Americans refuse to buy this historic lie.


Law Professor Davide K. Clements released a rebuttal video recently refuting the BIG LIE, that there was no evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election.


As The Gateway Pundit has reported for months now the fraud was extensive and historic.


Professor Clements’s video already has 121,000 views.

Anonymous ID: ec826d Jan. 24, 2021, 1:09 p.m. No.12698948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8972 >>8994 >>9011 >>9012 >>9032

Missouri Gun Shop Refuses To Sell Weapons, Ammo To Biden Supporters, And They’re Very Upset


Biden supporters are mad that a conservative gun shop won't sell them guns or ammo.


Immediately following Joe Biden’s inauguration, Trigger Firearms & Reloading, in Jefferson City, Missouri, published a statement indicating the company will no longer sell munitions or firearms to his supporters.


“We don’t have guns or ammo for Biden supporters,” the gun store wrote on its Facebook page. “Sorry for the inconvenience.”


At least one commenter claimed to be a wealthy Democrat living in Missouri who supports the Second Amendment and felt disenfranchised.


“I had a few grand to spend on a small backup to my Springfield XD and some other gear and ammo,” wrote a masked Joe Shockley. “Good to know you don’t want my money because I don’t want a fake billionaire reality tv star as my president.”


Another Biden supporter joked about the fate of Parler, which was pulled from the Internet after Amazon, Google, Apple and a myriad of other vendors refused to do business with the conservative social media platform.


“Good to know. I only want to give my money to Americans, not domestic terrorists,” wrote Westjr E Larry, who claims to live in South Texas. “Don’t you have to be freaking out on Parler right about now?”


Some commenters appreciated the humor in refusing to sell guns to Biden supporters, who – being largely Democrats – have pushed for curtailments on the Second Amendment for decades.


“Bad news,” wrote one conservative commenter. “You’ve lost the business of people that live in California and Michigan. How will you ever survive?”


“Funny all these crying Liberals on here, but to set the record strait. I have never heard of a Gun Business going bankrupt, from a Liberal boycott, however when Conservatives Boycott something they are done,” wrote another.


Austin Petersen, a libertarian-leaning Republican who previously ran for U.S. Senate in Missouri, celebrated the decision on Twitter.


“My local gun shop announced last night that they do not have any guns or ammunition available for Biden supporters,” Petersen wrote. “The comment section of howling leftists is like delicious hot apple pie with ice cream.”


My local gun shop announced last night that they do not have any guns or ammunition available for Biden supporters. The comment section of howling leftists is delicious like hot apple pie with ice cream. Let's keep it going.


— Austin Petersen 🇺🇲 (@AP4Liberty) January 24, 2021


Here you go.


— 97 honda accord (@97hondaaccord) January 24, 2021


It remains unclear why Biden supporters are upset that a company is refusing to do business with them, especially after virtually all big tech companies and multiple banks have refused to do business with President Donald J. Trump, as well as many of his supporters.

Anonymous ID: ec826d Jan. 24, 2021, 1:18 p.m. No.12699057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9174

Australia to join 100 nations in climate resilience pledge ahead of UN summit


Australia will join Britain and more than 100 countries in a global push for increased urgency for nations to adapt to climate change and the increased droughts, heat waves, cyclones, devastating storms, floods and rising sea levels that come with it.


Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley will also use an address on Tuesday morning to the international Climate Adaptation Summit to commit Australia to new national climate resilience and adaptation strategy as the impacts of climate change exacerbate economic, social and security threats.


In a pre-recorded address Ms Ley will underline Australia’s commitment to working with the international community to build on the country’s collaboration with scientists, communities and traditional owners to act and adapt to an already changing climate.


It will include an initial $12.9 million investment towards establishing Climate and Resilience Services Australia, a new capability that will connect and leverage the Commonwealth’s climate and natural disaster risk information to further prepare for and build resilience to natural disasters.

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Ms Ley’s speech follows Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s comments at the weekend that he would not be altering Australia’s 2030 climate emissions reductions targets or sign-up to a 2035 target ahead of this year’s United Nations climate change conference in Glasgow.


Ms Ley said that despite global criticism over Australia’s lack of ambition on climate emission targets, the nation was “deeply committed” to collaboration that accelerated adaptation to protect communities and the planet.


“We are joining global partnerships and taking the lead in building resilient communities,” Ms Ley will say, according to a draft copy of the speech circulated to the media.


“Climate adaptation is about taking practical actions to help our environment, our communities and our economy deal with the impacts of climate change that are already taking place.


“We are focused on the steps we can take now and in the future to create a more resilient Australia.”

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Labor has increased its attacks on the Morrison government over its tardiness to allocate funding for projects under its own domestic disaster resilience projects, claiming flood-prone regions were unlikely to receive newly-announced mitigation funding until floods have already hit.


Last month it accused the Morrison government of ignoring warnings of La Niña conditions this summer by refusing to spend its $4 billion disaster recovery and resilience fund 18 months after it was announced.


Ms Ley will also announce that Australia will join the Coalition for Climate Resilient Investment - a UN summit initiative, which represents the commitment of the global private financial industry, in partnership with key private and public institutions, to foster the more efficient integration of physical climate risks in investment decision making.


“As part of our commitment to build a more climate resilient world, Australia has pledged new global finance of at least $1.5 billion over the period 2021 to 2025, a 50 per cent increase on the previous period.”

Anonymous ID: ec826d Jan. 24, 2021, 1:23 p.m. No.12699119   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert introduces bills to resist Biden's executive orders on Paris agreement, WHO, and mask mandate


'Sadly, this is what we've come to expect from hypocritical Democrats'


Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert is taking on three of President Joe Biden's flurry of executive orders that he signed within days of being sworn in.


The freshman lawmaker introduced her first bill in Congress. In fact, she introduced her first three bills in Congress, and they all target Biden's executive orders.


I introduced 3 bills this week: 1. A bill to prevent funding for the Paris Accord. 2. A bill to halt funding to t…

— Lauren Boebert (@Lauren Boebert)1611495491.0


In one of Biden's first actions in office, he rejoined the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Boebert's bill would prevent the United States from spending any money on the Paris Agreement until the treaty is ratified by the Senate.


"Joe Biden took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution. If he wants to keep it, he must transmit the job-killing Paris Agreement to the U.S. Senate for ratification," Boebert said in a statement. "Unilaterally entering the Paris Agreement was wrong in 2016 and it's wrong now. Responsible energy production supports more than 230,000 Colorado jobs. The Paris Agreement puts these jobs at risk and will increase energy costs."


Biden signed an executive order reversing former President Donald Trump's decision to leave the World Health Organization. Rep. Boebert's bill would "prohibit the availability of United States contributions to the World Health Organization until Congress receives a full report on China and the COVID–19 pandemic."


"The WHO is China-centric and panders to Beijing at every turn," the representative from Colorado claimed. "There is no reason U.S. taxpayers should contribute more than $400 million annually to an organization that covered for China and failed to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic."


"We must not let the Chinese Communist Party off the hook," Boebert said. "We must hold the WHO accountable. Joe Biden failed to do either of those things and his edict yesterday only emboldens Beijing. Rejoining the WHO without ensuring accountability for the American people is the wrong move."


Earlier this month, the State Department revealed that it had new evidence that may point to coronavirus emerged from a virology laboratory in Wuhan. China has denied the allegations that COVID-19 originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


Trump halted all funding to the WHO in April. In 2019, the United States was the top funder of the WHO, providing over $400 million, which is about 15% of its budget.


The third bill would overturn the Biden administration's mask mandate on all federal property and federal buildings. Biden's executive order also applies to interstate commerce, which means requiring face masks to be worn at airports, on planes, buses, and trains.


"You can't make this stuff up. Joe Biden was on federal land without a mask the same day he signed a federal property mask mandate," Boebert chided. "Sadly, this is what we've come to expect from hypocritical Democrats. 'Mandates for thee, but not for me.'"

Anonymous ID: ec826d Jan. 24, 2021, 1:30 p.m. No.12699198   🗄️.is 🔗kun

General John William Vogt Jr. And His UFO Sighting




The following documents were taken from a longer oral history transcript from General John William Vogt Jr. conduct in 1978.


At the time it was received by The Black Vault, it had never been released to the public before.


Inside, General Vogt recalled his time in intelligence, and how he was assigned to investigate UFOs. He called himself the “first UFO officer in the Air Force.”


During the course of his interview, he recalled a UFO sighting while flying a C-45 Beechcraft. It was a purple light which flew with his aircraft, and was visible for about an hour.


Note from The Black Vault: I tried to find the corresponding file in the Project Blue Book collection. However, with no real details in the oral history transcript, it’s difficult to match it up to anything.

Document Archive


General John William Vogt Jr. And His UFO Sighting [3 Pages, 0.5MB]

Anonymous ID: ec826d Jan. 24, 2021, 1:32 p.m. No.12699225   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. Censorship Mania: A Threat to Independent Media. The Secretive Plan to Shut Down the Internet


A censorship mania going far beyond the necessary social media banning of Trump’s fascist coup incitement is appearing in U.S. Democratic party leadership circles leading to the necessity to warn of the possibility that socialist and progressive social media presence and websites may be heavily censored or banned, and to urge that as a precaution multiple versions of progressive websites or at least of their databases should be located in multiple countries.


Congressional Representatives Anna Eshoo and Tom Malinowski have now written letters demanding that the CEO’s of Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube (which is owned by Google) censor content which reinforces “existing political biases, especially those rooted in anger, anxiety, and fear.” They have also refereed to uncensored social media as allowing the ‘pollution of Americans minds’.


Note that ‘existing political biases’ and “those rooted in anger, anxiety, and fear” and the notion that we must not permit the ‘polluting of Americans minds’ is a ‘blankcheck’ formula allowing any political website to be targeted and censored.”


Even more sinister is the fact that the right-wing website Parler was targeted for removal and denied online space by Amazon cloud and shut-down.


I believe it would be a serious political mistake not to to prepare for the possibility of censorship or shutdown of independent and progressive online systems. The Democratic party shares one thing with Trump: a fear of socialism. The U.S. political elites who feel no compunction in ordering wars of aggression that slaughter hundreds of thousands in other countries are quite capable of trampling over the right of free speech and press.


The Secretive Plan to Shut Down the Internet


The U.S. state has, in fact, already a secretive plan in place to shut down the internet and mobile phone systems, or portions thereof. This plan, known as SOP 303, enables the shutdown and restoration process for use by commercial and private wireless networks during a self-defined ‘national crisis’.


In 2016 the U.S. Supreme court declined to hear a petition from the Electronic Privacy information center which would have required release of the SOP 303 details


What is known is that the plan gives officials of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security the power to shut down the internet with no consultation or input from either the U.S. Congress or the public. Determining what constitutes an ’emergency’ is left solely up to the Homeland officials. China, Tunisia, Libya, and Syria are just some of the countries where all or a local or regional portion of the internet have been previously shut down due to a supposed, emergency’, which was usually mass protests against government policies or social conditions.


Serious resistance by American workers to the ever-growing wars of aggression and deterioration of their living and working conditions has long been an inevitable.development. Amid the current depression-level economic conditions and other dislocations of life in the U.S., SOP 303 may well be implemented to shut down vital communication by workers – the vast majority of American people – as legitimate resistance grows ever stronger.


Implementation of the SOP 303 plan would not be technically difficult. It’s true that no individual organization or government agency directly controls the entire internet. But the major social media platforms – including Facebook, Youtube, and Google – as well as mobile phone networks such as Verizon, are already closely integrated with the U.S. state.