Why are there so many non-Lin posts in this bread?
Shit, it looks like I accidentally clicked the bookmark to MNR.
kek let's make another E-Bake to replace an unfinished but already here E-Bake.
Because 4 hours old.
Ooooooh you're in big trouble now if the LinFags see this.
This QR E-BAKEOFF Scoreboard Update brought to you by My Pillow.
This bread: 340
Other bread: 85
You're kekking me out, Anon.
Did you go all out and start smearing cheeto dust all over your face?
The number of times each sperg here has actually gotten laid in their lifetimes.
This QR E-BAKEOFF Scoreboard Update brought to you by Lin Wood LARPs LLC.
This bread: 560
Other bread: 135
The alternative is letting shills upload TBs of Buttsex vidyas to BTFO the media server.
That what you want?