Find a jewish hooker.
She'll chew your foreskin off.
You'll feel better before you can say lookingupsoftserve……
Find a jewish hooker.
She'll chew your foreskin off.
You'll feel better before you can say lookingupsoftserve……
Is it too late to buy a Q mask from Jimbo?
I want my full armour.
I guess a MyPillow will have to do!
Omnes viae Romam ducunt!
Get it?
Got it?
My Social Credit Score is pretty bad.
Will this help?
Jews, Trannies, Faggots and Niggers should all get the rope.
What do, my fellow ass-rapers?
Hitting enter after every line of text is the epitome of Caitlyn Jenner prostatism.
I haven't showered in 3 weeks.
I still wouldn't let you tongue-punch my fart-box.
Rope is too good for you!
It's time to shun your liberal family, friends, neighbors.
If not now, when?
They need us, WE don't need them.
If they need help, it comes with strings.
Stand Tall, Patriots!
Everybody Love Everyone…..except communists!
It's Time To Wake Up!
Remember Militias during the Clinton admin?
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
You ain't seen nothing yet.
Buckle up, bitches!
It's gonna get real bloody, real quick.
It's all or nothing?
43 posts is the line for me.
That's it.
44 posts is my Rubicon.
Get some, nigga.
Same boat.
I'm actually pissed at my so called friends that still follow sportsball.
I've told them as much to no avail.
Made sure, in no uncertain terms that they are on their own when SHTF.
Dumbfounded look.
I remind them how vulnerable they are and lightbulbs go off.
Fuck them.
Told them they will get no help from me!
I'm not a sociopath, and I can beat the box.
I was taught.
Ft. Bragg.
Baseline questions are the key!
Is my shirt white?
While I slowly grit my teeth.
Old School.
It still works.