Anonymous ID: 4392c3 Jan. 24, 2021, 6:17 p.m. No.12702179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2190 >>2194 >>2215

Group 1: Globalist / Marxist Subversives


This category represents the largest and strongest faction. Regular readers of the RHC don’t even need to be told what manner of evil this Bolshevik bunch stand for. They are atheistic, anti-White, anti-gun, pro-open borders, pro-world government and pro-pedo sex. This is the New World Order gang – and it is led by just to name a few first and foremost – The Rothschilds, and subordinates such as George Soros, The Sulzbergers (NY Times), Mort Zuckerman (NY Daily News), Shari Redstone (Viacom / CBS), hundreds of university presidents and deans, several dozen Demonrat U.S. Congressmen & Senators plus more Fake News & Hollywood moguls and operatives than you can shake a Hammer & Sickle at.


The primary loyalty of Jewish Globalists is not to "the state of Israel," but rather, to the World Government / United Nations system. For this reason, many of them (Soros especially) actually see the ultra-nationalist expansionists of Israel as a problem – like an uncontrollable child. It's not that they hate their Jewish brethren in Israel. Not at all. They just want to control them, as they do other nations – through efforts like the BDS (Boycott, Divest & Sanction) movement. This is why the Communist Party USA and former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers are so "pro-Palestinian rights" (here) and (here). As is obvious to all by now, the particular branch of political Jewry HATES Donald Trump and the feeling is mutual.

Anonymous ID: 4392c3 Jan. 24, 2021, 6:18 p.m. No.12702190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2194 >>2215


Group 2: Expansionist Zionists / Neo Cons


This is the Gulf War crowd – Bill Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Bibi Satanyahoo, Likud Party, Sheldon Adelson et al. This Jewish faction, which overlaps with but is not as powerful as the Globalist gang – has, historically, wielded enormous clout in its own right. For example, when the NWO Jews of 1933 tried to boycott Hitler's Germany into oblivion, it was the Zionist Jews who mitigated the boycott in exchange for a German-Jew agreement to allow Jewish emigration to British-occupied Palestine.


The Zio-Crazies want to see a ‘Greater Israel” come into being by using the United States to destroy any Middle Eastern state which has territory coveted for Israel expansion (between the Euphrates River of Iraq and the Nile River of Egypt). The ultra-Zionist nationalists view their Globalist brethren not necessarily as enemies of Israel (which they are not) but rather as obstacles to their long term dream of a greatly-expanded Israeli Empire. Many in this group (Kristol, National Review etc) also hate Donald Trump – but others (Satanyahoo, Adelson) appear to support Trump.

Anonymous ID: 4392c3 Jan. 24, 2021, 6:19 p.m. No.12702194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2215



Group 3: Non Marxist / Non Expansionist Zionists


Like most Jews, this crowd generally leans left (but not Marxist). Some may even vote Republican; and a small minority may actually be quite conservative in many areas. They are, of course, pro-Israel – but unlike the Zio Expansionists, they would be happy to see Israelis and Palestinians living side-by-side, under two separate states and in perpetual peace. They would like to have world recognition and security for Israel – but have no longing for an expanded Middle Eastern Empire like the ultra-Zionists desire – and certainly not another war. Jews from this category can either be for or against Trump – but generally not for any reasons related to Zionism. In fact, some of them may not really care all that much about Middle East affairs, one way or the other.


These "status quo" Zionists are the types of Jews that we as peace-loving / sovereignty-defending patriots though never trusting them completely can at least "do business with" when it comes to political matters – especially foreign affairs.

Anonymous ID: 4392c3 Jan. 24, 2021, 6:20 p.m. No.12702215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2244




The Mutual hatred between Team Trump / Q Anon and the NWO Jews (Group 1) is so self-evident by now that it’s not even worth addressing. For anyone who thinks Trump is secretly working for Rothschild and his junior partner, George Soros – well, you simply haven't thought this matter through. I'm sorry.


As for Group 3, the "status-quo" pro-peace Zionists, their position is sensible and worth considering. The shitty little state of Israel has been with us for 72 years now, and in its present form for 52 years. Regardless of the devious, dastardly and deadly methods by which Palestine was stolen from the Arabs, let’s be realistic. Israel will no sooner be returned to the Arabs anymore than Turkish Istanbul will be transferred to Greek sovereignty and again named Constantinople anytime soon – or Gdansk, Poland reverting back to Danzig, Germany. The best we can all hope for today is peaceful coexistence with no more land grabs and wars.


Scratch out Groups 1 and 3, and the lingering suspicion regarding Trump and the Jewish question focuses solely around certain characters in Group 2 who appear to support Trump – namely, Adelson and Satanyahoo – and certain actions, specifically, the relocation of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and the recognition of the Golan Heights as Israeli territory. Let’s examine the "complaints" and see what all the fuss is about.

Anonymous ID: 4392c3 Jan. 24, 2021, 6:22 p.m. No.12702233   🗄️.is 🔗kun



  1. Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislane Maxwell


These pedo-molesters were running a massive blackmail operation for Israel’s Mossad. This may have been Israel’s most powerful weapon of irregular warfare against the United States. Who shut it down after the previous three presidents protected it? The Trump Justice Department – that’s who! And the worst part about this story is yet to come.


  1. The NXIVM (Nexium) Sex Cult


This operation also embroiled many powerful men into compromising positions. The front man was Keith Raniere, but the real power and money behind it were the Billionaire Bronfman sisters, Sara and Claire Bronfman – the daughters of former Jewish World Congress president and majority owner / CEO of Seagram’s the late Edgar Bronfman. And who was it that shut down this Globalist-Zionist operation and has some its members singing like birds? Trump – that’s who.


Quote to Remember:


“The Mossad incurred so many operatives that were involved with pedophilia under the Epstein ring and under the NXIVM ring, with the two Bronfman daughters, that you’re talking about thousands of people. So, from 9/11 on, Trump understood that the Israelis had been involved in our intelligence service and in compromising America. He never forgot that. And what he did, blatantly was to turn around and on a certain day, he decided he was going to indict every one of the Mossad operatives, as well as the Israelis on charges of pedophilia – not on charges of spying, because that wouldn’t work. - Dr. Steve Pieczenik


And that "compromising" blackmailable dirt which the Jewish Mafia had accumulated on "thousands of people" — well, it's all in Trump's hands now. No wonder The Maestro seems so supremely confident these days!


  1. ISIS


Did "youse guys" notice how “ISIS” the terrorist proxy army of the CIA-Mossad simply shriveled up and died in 2017? As a result, the Syrian regime of the honorable Bashar al Assad survived and numerous countries around the world no longer have an ‘ISIS affiliate” causing trouble anymore. So, what happened to Israel’s favorite "beheaders" in black pajamas? Well, Putin bombed them, Iran and Hezbollah fought them on the ground - and Trump cut the CIA’s funding for them - that’s what happened.


Headline: NY Times: (July 19, 2017)

Trump Ends Covert Aid to Syrian Rebels Trying to Topple Assad (here)


  1. Q Anon's Attacks on Soros, Rothschild & Mossad


Q Anon – part of the Trump Team has posted that the Mossad controls the CIA which in turn controls the Fake News. Millions of recovered normies now know this – and more and more Q newbies are in the process of learning the names of Soros and Rothschild. Best of all to behold the ever-increasing panicked media attacks on Q Anon as being “anti-Semitic” are only opening more eyes to the reality of Jewish Mafia control of the New World Order and the Mossad. And who is behind “anti-Semitic” Q Anon? Team Trump, that’s who.

Still think Trump is working for (((them)))? No way.