This woman 'sounds' slightly deranged which is probably what they wanted since she was attempting to whistleblow on years of embassy security lapses. One thing I have learned by lurking moar is listen for a while before you disregard things that sound 'cra cra'.
Per her memo, HRC was her 'last chance'.
From the Dept. of State FOIA files (document date and case number in pic)
According to the memo she uncovered fraud, abuse, mismanagement of money and deliberate NHS breaches at embassies over a 20 year period.
"Moreover—I can verify—Under
Secretary Kennedy intentionally misled the Congress & American People about what he knows, in his
testimony [on 10/10/2012] before the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee. Trust me,
Madam Secretary Clinton, you, President Obama, Congress & American People need to hear the whole,
real truth [classified & unclassified] from me firsthand"