Anonymous ID: 60d645 May 2, 2018, 3:21 a.m. No.1270569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0682 >>0936


Wow. This is a like a bad dream. What's the body count, four or five straight days running with these same 'muh-Corsi' B'Nai B'rth clippings?


Reminds me a bit of the 'Musac' they used to play on elevators. Night, day, Sunday, Monday…no difference. 24/7 Musac. A bit like chemtrail skies really?


Thanks Clowns! Will the sun ever be permitted to come out again?

Anonymous ID: 60d645 May 2, 2018, 3:44 a.m. No.1270636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0662


We came, we saw, he died…..ha, ha, ha, ha.


Libya, and the world, still paying for the Obama/Hillary plans to usher in chaos and run guns through the annex up to their moderate rebels in Syria. 'No name' brain-cancer-man another player in that game. My heart breaks for the family of those killed at Behngazi (sic?). Think after Susan Rice made her rounds on Sunday morning news programs to talk about that Yu-Tube video, and bho and the Hildabeast 'paid their respects,' doubt they ever gave it another thought. Then again, Hillary's probably right. Even though we hadn't lost the life of a serving ambassador in over 40 years:


"What difference, at this point, does it make!"

Anonymous ID: 60d645 May 2, 2018, 3:49 a.m. No.1270650   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good post anon. Helps when people point out stuff that's helpful and not full of bullshit and bile. Hope they capture him and extradite him to Hungray. Think they would hang him in the public square and be more than happy to do mankind the favor. Wish Israel would take the lead on it, using the capture of Eichmann as the model.

Anonymous ID: 60d645 May 2, 2018, 4 a.m. No.1270674   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Putin had NATO (us) on every border starting shit, Victoria Nueland caught on hot mic saying "fuck the EU." Smart man. He reclaimed the Crimea. The people there were in support as well, not greater Ukraine, but in the peninsula. Added bonus of making bho look like a the feckless 'leader' he was, until it came to spying on journalists working for the Associatied Press or mandating grown men could use the little-girls bathroom. Or forcing the Little Sisters of the Poor and Catholic Charities (and Hobby Lobby), to pay for birth control medicines in violation of the Constitutionally protected right to observe their religious beliefs without government interference. Or circumventing Congress, and the will of the people, cramming new shit down our throats with excessive use of Executive Orders, also known as government by fiat. Or his practice of…

Anonymous ID: 60d645 May 2, 2018, 4:07 a.m. No.1270707   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well said. Sorry to hear that. You actually had some type of connection with him. They were all good men, think Stevens stands out a bit as he was involved in some shady weapons dealings (or at a least was aware of it), though he had his requests for increased security denied multiple times. Multiple requests, and they never reached Hillary's eye's, imagine that. Her buddy's Sid's had no trouble landing on her desk though. Massive, massive scandal - up there with Extortion 17 and the deaths of those Seals/special ops troops. Justice delayed, in these case withou doubt, has been justice denied.

Anonymous ID: 60d645 May 2, 2018, 4:24 a.m. No.1270766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0773 >>1009


That's a normal reaction, I think. When I first woke-up, many years ago, it felt like the world was collapsing around me (as so much now had to be viewed in a different light).


I also became physically ill from it. I was rather weak, physically. I think the energy had drained from my body. It's a massive awakening and stuff floods in. As another anon pointed out, try to keep in mind there are many groups at work here. Hollywood, movies, may lead you to blame certain individuals, but try to think in broad terms. It's Good versus Evil. Not this religion or that, or Democrat versus Republican. That's too simplistic. To me, they are the globalist elites, the cabal, and they hold hands and care only for each other. To them, rest of humanity are to be exploited, whether financially or sexually or in an human trafficking, slave, sense. It crosses over the superficial labels people get hung up on. For example, people blame the Jews because of the Rothschilds, and the suffering they have caused throughout the ages. The Rothschilds are less Jewish than my cat. It's a convenient political cover. They wouldn't give a fellow Jew a drink of water if he was dying from dehydration on their doorstep. But they would fly crates of unadulterated fresh spring water from one of their private estates to another country, delivered to the front door, if another member of the cabal asked for some. The elites are sociopathic killers and are a plaque to humanity in more ways than you can count. Try not to get caught up on fake labels, it's a trick they use to divert people's attention from whom they really are.

Anonymous ID: 60d645 May 2, 2018, 4:37 a.m. No.1270807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0813


I think I understand your point, and agree with it. But many of the 'lower ranking Jews' (though way too progressive, and liberal in the United States), are also pawns in the game. Many, like myself have no political influence (I also have no money), and are Patriots wanting only the best for this country like anyone else. They are not involved in this stuff. The realization occurs when you realize many of your previous role models, prominent 'Jews' (cabal), say Harvey Weinstein are nothing but agents of Luciferian bullshit, and it now reflects on your own self-image. It's a massive blow to one's psyche, which is why I feel strongly that 'ordinary' Jews should be leading the charge to call out the motherfuckers like Jeffrey Epstein. "Not in my name!," type of thing. We all get thrown under the bus, but many are not (knowingly) involved in any way and are just as repulsed by what we learn as the next guy.

Anonymous ID: 60d645 May 2, 2018, 4:45 a.m. No.1270829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0873


I'll tell you what we 'don't have in common.' As your meme makes perfectly clear, you know nothing about Judaism but pretend to hide that ignorance via cute slanderous, factually incorrect memes.


You have nothing in your heart but unbridled Jew-hatred and I have news for you. Though you will only tolerate a weak and defenseless Jew, we find that position unacceptable. You will have no say, other than with childish memes on an anonymous chan board. Reveal yourself, let's have lunch, and you can explain your theories in a more appropriate manner. As I've often said to others, though I'm broke, I will raise the cash and cover the lunch tab. I will also come to you, so you should incur no expense to meet me. Then you can fill me on the Babylonian Talmud and the Kazarhian mafia. Deal?

Anonymous ID: 60d645 May 2, 2018, 4:54 a.m. No.1270865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0877


Could not have said it better myself. Well done. I 'think' Q has also alluded, in more ways than one, that it's a broad problem. Per your observation, the current news is reporting on the highest ranking representative of the Pope in Australia, some Cardinal, is now going to be tried for sex-crimes, or covering them up…I'm not too up to date on the specifics. As MLK, Jr. said: The arc of history is long, but it bends towards justice (something like that). We are getting there. Progress is being made. Justice is catching up with a lot of them. President Trump deserves a lot of the credit in my opinion. It's beyond doubt none of this would be occurring had 'she' won as expected.

Anonymous ID: 60d645 May 2, 2018, 5:07 a.m. No.1270927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1132 >>1155


Great point. After 'slavery' they moved into Jim Crow laws and later red-lining communities as to housing and loans. I may not be his biggest fan, but kudos to Kanye for openly talking about it. He recently gave an 'interview' at the TMZ studio (it's slightly over 3 minutes and on Yu-Tube if interested). He made a comment about slavery, mostly, I think, about the mindset of slaves, and one of the black TMZ guys became triggered and aggressive towards Kanye. It was shocking. This dude's got one of the most cushy gigs in the country, the more so for a young black man, and he feels a personal connection to slavery, so much that he took offense and became angry? Same dude then went on to other outlets to spread his anger.


Think the guy proved Kanye's point for him, but he's too fucking stupid to know it. Guessing he's a Hillary guy, at least a flaming Democrat, and has bought into the whole victim narrative for so long he acts like he was just freed from bondage himself. We have a long way to go. Bho was the front-man, but they gave a hard eight years selling low expectations and victimhood mentality for so long the rot really set in. That's one of the most unforgivable aspects to his 'legacy,' and among the most harmful.

Anonymous ID: 60d645 May 2, 2018, 5:17 a.m. No.1270975   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Agree. Part of going off the reservation was printing up non-federal reserve notes so we could issue our own real money. I'm certain you know that, I just wanted to add it to your post. Think that, along with a million other things, like trying to dismantle the CIA, was a bridge too far. Too bad, unlike Trump, he didn't focus more on arranging his own protection team. Was a different world back then, and have to think he may have believed they would never go that far. National shame, and guessing there's a large Karmic debt the Bush clan will have to pay for a lot of it.

Anonymous ID: 60d645 May 2, 2018, 5:38 a.m. No.1271092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1099 >>1114 >>1115 >>1146 >>1173

>>1270936 (You)


Deja-vu all over again. Can't even think of a single bread you haven't rolled out this exact 'Grandma-Jew' for. Curious? Do you think I failed to notice it the other 6,000,000.00 times you've spammed with it? Did you get the inside joke there, wink, wink.


What I also notice is you never articulate a point. Why? Do you struggle defending your beliefs? Must be frustrating. You must feel like an inferior slave being taken advantage of due to your intellectual inferiority. Blame your parents, not me. As you know, Jews place a value on educating their children. Not my fault you father became a raging alcoholic…take it up with him. That's an internal problem, nothing to do with the Jews.

Anonymous ID: 60d645 May 2, 2018, 5:53 a.m. No.1271168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1181



Yeah, yeah 'deflection' - I get it too. Perhaps you innocently hit the wrong reply button? Only asking as there are no posts of mine where I mention Israel at all. Happy to have that discussion, but perhaps you see my point? You suffer from irrational and unbridled Jew-hatred, disguised as anti-Israel bullshit. It doesn't sell. You may have gotten up early this morning, but I had already showered and finished breakfast before you rolled out of bed. You'll have to try harder Clown.


Speaking of Israel, NOW THAT YOU BROUGHT IT UP, why are you here. Just yesterday I heard my President call Israel a great friend and ally of America, and spoke in moving terms about his close friendship with our ambassador David Friedman, a Jew. Guessing Steve Miller (another Jew) does more for this country in an hour than you have your whole life, but I digress.


Fill me in please. You seem to know better than President Trump what's going on. I was underthemistaken belief Seb Gorka and others were doing a fine job explaining, but you know more. Please advise. Anxiously awaiting your informative response.

Anonymous ID: 60d645 May 2, 2018, 6:05 a.m. No.1271218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1222 >>1259


Just so I understand, as I'm eager to learn and don't enjoy feeding the fish or taking up too much space in the bread (which would be endless, because that's part of their motivation).


Do you mean you leave a post but don't link it to one of theirs? A post with no numerical reference to link back to?


As a side, though I realize I should just filter and move on, part of me still wants to counter the propaganda and lies with factual information for those who might read our threads but have no personal knowledge on the topic. To me, the best (most effective) way to deal with mis-information is counter with better information, and let those interested research from there. Otherwise it's just a free swing and many might leave some people with the impression what they say is factual.

Anonymous ID: 60d645 May 2, 2018, 6:10 a.m. No.1271235   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks. Will mull it over and think it through. Sounds like a good theory, and thanks for taking the time to help. For the record, when it comes to this stuff, nobody has ever accused me of exercising brevity. Will work on that too. Godspeed anon.