Anonymous ID: 6efb1b May 2, 2018, 5:31 a.m. No.1271045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1065

The cycle of life just goes round and round. One of the souls that the Anunnaki our creators have been following for a very long time is the the sole we know as Jesus, but of course he did not just come out of nowhere. A soul like that rises to the top every time he comes into Form. There is much speculation that Gaius Julius Caesar shared the same soul as Jesus. Julius Caesar was a great man and certainly a stand out. The timeline fits as he was on earth from 100 BC until 44 BC.


Ok but what about Jesus Father? It turns out his soul is hard to miss as well. There is good evidence that Jesus Father’s soul returned as Attila the Hun. The knowledge surrounding Jesus Father during the bible days is sketchy as no one wrote about him. Our Anunnaki caretakers will have to help fill in the blanks on that story.


8 things you might not know about Attila the Hun

BY SARAH PRUITT // JUNE 6, 2016 History


Between 434 and 453 A.D., Hun forces led by the mighty Attila battered the Roman Empire relentlessly, including invasions of the southern Balkan provinces, Greece, Gaul and Italy. Despite his reputation in the Roman world as a brutal conqueror, Attila never actually sacked Rome or Constantinople, but his ferocious prowess has reverberated through the centuries: During World War I, when the British wanted to emphasize how savage and corrupt their enemy was, they referred to the Germans as “Huns.” Out of all the “barbarian” leaders of the late Roman era, Attila’s name is the only one most people actually remember. More than 1,500 years after his eventful life (and mysterious demise) explore eight things you might not know about Attila, King of the Huns.


His upbringing was privileged.

Far from the stereotype of the unwashed, uneducated barbarian, Attila was born (probably at the beginning of the fifth century A.D.) into the most powerful family north of the Danube River. His uncles, Octar and Rugila (also Ruga or Rua), jointly ruled the Hun Empire in the late 420s and early 430s. Attila and his elder brother, Bleda, received instruction in archery, sword fighting and how to ride and care for horses. They also spoke–and perhaps read–both Gothic and Latin, and learned military and diplomatic tactics; the two brothers were likely present when their uncles received Roman ambassadors.


Once Attila rose to power, the first thing he did was negotiate a (short-lived) peace with the Romans.

With the deaths of their uncles in 434, Bleda and Attila inherited joint control over the Hun Empire. Their first step was to negotiate a treaty with the Eastern Roman Empire, in which Emperor Theodosius II agreed to pay some 700 pounds of gold annually as a promise of peace between the Huns and Romans. But just a few years later, Attila claimed the Romans had violated the treaty and led a devastating series of attacks through Eastern Roman cities in 441. With Hun forces looming just 20 miles of Constantinople, Theodosius was forced to make terms, and agreed to pay Attila the staggering sum of 2,100 pounds of gold per year.

Anonymous ID: 6efb1b May 2, 2018, 5:34 a.m. No.1271065   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Attila the Hun (part 2)


He killed his own brother to grab absolute power for himself. (Fake guard up, not sure about this)

After that peace treaty was concluded in 443, the Huns returned to the Great Hungarian Plain. Roman sources are hazy about what happened there over the next several years, but it seems clear that at some point Attila decided to challenge Bleda for sole power over the empire. The Roman writer Priscus, who provided what was considered the most reliable Roman account of the Huns, claimed that in 445 “Bleda, king of the Huns, was assassinated as a result of the plots of his brother Attila.” Two years later, Attila led another, even more ambitious assault on the Eastern Roman Empire. The Huns stormed through the Balkans and into Greece, and the Romans finally managed to stop them at Thermopylae, after which the Huns and Romans negotiated another complicated treaty with even harsher terms for the Romans.


He invaded Gaul to win himself a wife. (kek)

In the spring of 450, Honoria, the ambitious sister of Valentian III, emperor of Western Rome, sent Attila a ring and asked him to help her get out of the impending marriage to a Roman aristocrat her brother was forcing on her. Attila, who already had several wives (the exact number is unknown), took Honoria’s overture as a proposal. He claimed her as his newest bride, and half the Western Empire as her dowry. Honoria claimed to have intended no such thing, but her brother, furious at his sister’s scheming, was ready to send her across the Danube to placate Attila. He eventually relented, allowing her to marry the boring Roman aristocrat after all. Attila wouldn’t give up so easily, however, and would wage his next two military campaigns in Honoria’s name.


Attila suffered his first and only defeat at the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains.

In 451, some 200,000 of Attila’s Hun forces invaded Gaul. As they moved through the countryside, leaving slaughter and devastation in their wake, the Romans (commanded by General Flavius Aetius, previously on good terms with Attila) formed an alliance with King Theodoric I of the Visigoths. The combined Roman-Goth army confronted Attila in the decisive Battle of Catalaunian Plains, finally defeating the great Hun leader in one of the bloodiest conflicts in history. Theodoric was killed in the clash, while Attila withdrew his forces and subsequently retired from Gaul. Never one to be easily discouraged, he would invade Italy the following year.


Despite his legendary lust for gold, Attila himself lived modestly and humbly.

According to Priscus, who visited Attila’s headquarters on the Great Hungarian Plain along with visiting Roman ambassadors in 449, the Hun leader threw a banquet at which he served the guests a luxurious meal on silver plates. Attila himself, Priscus observed, was served separately. He “ate nothing but meat on a wooden trencher…His cup was of wood, while his guests were given goblets of gold and silver.” Unlike his subordinates, who arrogantly displayed their gold and gems on their horse’s bridle or weaponry, Attila’s “dress, too, was quite simple, affecting only to be clean.”


He died horribly (and mysteriously) on his wedding night.

Though gruesome, Attila’s death was not the fate you might have predicted for a great warrior and military leader. Even while pursuing his claim on Honoria, he decided to take yet another wife, a beautiful young woman named Ildico. They married in 453, just as Attila was preparing another attack on the Eastern Roman Empire and its new emperor, Marcian. During the wedding at Attila’s palace, the groom feasted and drank late into the night. The next morning, after the king failed to appear, his guards broke down the door of the bridal chamber and found Attila dead, with a weeping, hysterical Ildico at his bedside. No wound could be found, and it appeared that Attila had suffered a bad nosebleed while lying in a stupor and choked to death on his own blood. Some suggested that Ildico played a part in his death, or that he fell victim to a conspiracy engineered by Marcian; others dismissed it as a freak accident, or a cautionary tale about the dangers of binge drinking.


No one knows where he’s buried.

According to Priscus, Attila’s army grieved their lost leader by smearing their faces with blood and riding their horses in circles around the tent holding his body. That night, his body was encased in three coffins–one gold, one silver, one iron–and buried in a tomb filled with the weapons of his defeated enemies, along with jewels and other treasures. As legend has it, a river was diverted so that Attila could be buried in its bed, and the waters were then released to flow over the grave. The servants who buried Attila were subsequently killed to prevent them from revealing his final resting place. The location of the burial site, believed to be somewhere in Hungary, remains unknown to this day.

Anonymous ID: 6efb1b May 2, 2018, 5:42 a.m. No.1271115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1119 >>1127 >>1191


Q has said many time THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED

Q has said the Great Awakening is NOT about religion

Q has said the Great Awakening is NOT about race

Q has told us one important wat to ID the cabal dividers -LOOK FOR THE LOUDEST VOICES


Im not talking about anons that refuse to have their language dictated by PC - I dont care what words you use to describe a person with slurs or insults. Who cares? What matter is words that DIVIDE WHOLE CLASSES OF PEOPLE WITH CABAL LIES.


What are THE LOUDEST VOICES on this Board? Easy - the ones who post dozens of time in every bread with the same shit every time - day after day after day - the anti -israel and anti -jew dividers - cant miss them.


Who has committed to Israel, has trusted Jewish loved ones, friends, advisors, and family?


Who has cooperated closely with Israel and provided the best arms and technology we have?


Who moved the US embassy to the true capital of Israel - Jerusalem? Who cut funding for the UN in response to their condemnation of this move?


Who has repeatedly dreamed about the deal of a lifetime - peace in the middle east?


We all know the answer to these questions. In honor of OUR POTUS lets all pledge to COMPLETELY IGNORE OR FILTER ALL ANTI JEW ANTI ISREAL POSTS ON THIS BOARD. Starve them of any oxygen - give them NO attention or mind at all.

They are now desperate to claim the slightest bit of anon attention. One littlewhiff of attention triggers 30 or 40 shit posts. Ignoring them is the best way of showing our mutual contempt for them and our great respect for our POTUS. Bless all the anons - you are truly EPIC.

Anonymous ID: 6efb1b May 2, 2018, 5:54 a.m. No.1271172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1249 >>1253

We see plenty of anti-Israel and anit jewish posts on the board. What is the nature and origin of this attitude and belief? Who started it and why is it still current? Proponents always offer a simple buzzword, phrase, or concept that completely begs these questions. Here is the answer for all anons that care about history and truth.

It all begins with the Bible and ends, surprisingly, with IRAN, of all places. It's easy to trace.

Since the time of St. Paul, the conversion of the Jews has been, for many Christians, a longed-for mark of the end of history, the prelude to the Messianic Age. The Christian obsession with Jewish conversion is tied to critical end-time theology of Paul (“And so all Israel will be saved,” Paul wrote, in Romans)

the simple version of this is to blame Jews "who killed the savior." Yet this does not stand to reason, since the Savior himself, all the Apostles, and Paul, were Jewish. No - the real source of this impulse ln protecting church doctrines.

Can Jesus really be God? Can he really be raised from the dead? The Jewish “No!” rings far more loudly than any other negation, whether from Muslims, Buddhists, or atheists. This is because the entire teachings of Jesus were based on Jewish scripture. That is why the effort to change “No!” into “Yes!” has been an engine of Christian persecution of Jews for two thousand years.

The general principles were made formal in the Justinian Code in 528 AD: (1) to separate them from social intercourse with Christians as far as possible; (2) to prevent them from exercising any authority over Christians, either in a public (as officials) or a private capacity (as masters or employers); (3) to arrange that the exercise of the Jewish religion should not assume the character of a public function.

The Reformation didnothing to change this, as the idea that Judaism was hostile to Christianity was rapidly and fully assimilated into Protestant dogma/ In fact most of the current anti-semitic ideas orifinate with Prtotestant/Evangelical/fundamenalist Christian groups. Neo-Nazi, skinhead, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), white supremacist, motorcycle gangs, and some militia groups fall into this category.

These Christian Identity adherents believed that white Aryans were the “chosen people,” that Africans were subhuman, that Jews were descendants of the Devil, and that the world was moving toward race war.

Ironically, 2,500 years fore the term ‘Aryan’ became popular among

racists and nationalists, the Persian king Darius introduced himself as an Aryan, of Aryan lineage. Indeed the word IRAN" is translated to "ARYAN."

The use of ‘Aryan’ underwent its first extension of meaning in Fermany in 1808. philosopher Friedrich Schlegel declared that the ancestors of the Germans were the ancient Persian ‘Aryans’, proclaiming that ‘…our Germanic ancestors, while they were still in Asia, were known foremost under the name “Aryans”.


More importantly, concepts of the ‘Aryan’ were increasingly charged with

specific character traits that were considered racially inherent and linked to the

notion of racial superiority.


By the turn of the century, the term ‘Aryan’ had become popular among the racial

and racist vocabulary of scholars, publicists and political activists as a synonym for ‘master race’ or ‘highest race’. Moreover, anti-Semites used the term as a synonym for ‘non-Jewish’. Eventually, the term became widely used as a synonym for ‘Nordic’ or ‘Germanic race’.

The adoption of the term ‘Aryan’ by the Nazis would discredit it in Europe, but clearly the ideas have not disappeared. Why not? The answer is simple and should be familiar to every anon on this board who supports the Great Awakening.


That is - you have been lied to. The entire Jew hating blame was invented by the church and adopted by the State for the same reasons. The battle between church and state is a battle for control over WE THE PEOPLE. Borh church and state complete and fight each other for this control. They both use the same tools and techniques. Dividing by gender race and religion and endless other arbitrary categories. The list is endless but ut is 100% clear that both have used anti semitism as one of the primary tools in their quest for domination of WE THE PEOPLE.

Let's end it once and for all - it is a lieas it has always been.

Anonymous ID: 6efb1b May 2, 2018, 6:02 a.m. No.1271206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1262

the anti muh jew shillfags have reached a new peak with the clear proof that anons knew all along


potus is working with our ally israel who is supporting the plan


now the shills have to say potus and Q are also jew conspirators

now the shills have to say no this is a trick


and that is exactly what they are doing


it really demonstrates just how ingrained these old cabal division lies are


it also demonstrates that they have never had any other gimmicks or tactics EVER


that is how potus knew every move in advance


that is how potus and Q won