helluva ride huh
its a star trek thing im not cathing yet brb
never forgotten
iiirc reagen said ironlamb
not asking telling
background radiation on steel or something idk werdz werdz werdz
why is there a face on the moon 4
posted onths ago sympathyfags
radioactive faltware exist(s(ed)
stop picking on bama
like twinflames
"Pessimism is weakness" ~Verne
any deepthoughts?
teh biltmore guy died froma joke to a hat
bama is bro 4like
imagibne a yugo ramen nintendo fsm ggs geron ploughing from prepaid bs to a bbs for nada
wait for it
the line between good humour and caca humour is
cause of the coverup on that island and rol the sculptor thingy
0ink m0f0$
island of sardania ol' school
prost soviet kippe
100 y ears ago a childrens book spoke of a 'elephant graveyard" & jackels hyennas ets. the second book
damn it sn00p
taco ppolitics jeez
hitler said it in german that todays pig is tomroows bacon
and here we are in hoggg some thin werdz idk
numericaly it is really a assume whoms avarice controlled teh calimity teh most
some fuck walk around wanting to get exposed and burned
i hsve had a tapped iphone since 97
bummer homo
i get a 10 a=second delay fer teh ???????
i am ahving a predawn libation aagain
cash beer pet doggo
damn it agnar
ya'l want conerstone cleraence but don't eanna pay hmpht
waiting for cash is like
so much doggo comfy checkmap
<3 nintendo pimp
muh feels need teh gelb n0w
btwnspcefagsnmarines there should not /b much wiggle
i hate 'd y o nigga how in lv
my trigger finger prefers cash
n teh name of teh jooos it shall be don
bout 9oc fluid tilll lawnmowwer dude strikes back
the math is a a good thing
wisdom or deah homotus
muh pocketbook fer teh buffet lines cause studentloanz
last1 gmrn flo ;))-~