Anonymous ID: d26d7e May 2, 2018, 5:20 a.m. No.1270989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1073

>>Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal.


Cash–funding–in exchange for a promise to cease the nuclear proliferation within Iran. This is the "loophole" that is being taken advantage of.


>>Does the agreement define & confine cease & desist ‘PRO’ to the republic of Iran?


Yes. Therefore outsourcing of the "pro"liferation has to occur outside of Iranian territory but still in areas under Iranian control–i.e. Syria.


>>What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria?


They did–in cooperation with the Clowns. In order to shield this from public scrutiny you needed to create a fog of chaos–a civil war–that would put an end to any transparency.. This facility was not attacked by either side–"Pro" or "anti" Assad because the whole thing was a theatrical production, filled with human suffering and tragedy to distract from the real work going on in the region. This was a joint facility for IRAN, NK and others that would allow for proliferation.




Clowns and the military industrial complex need CREDIBLE enemies if they are to continue the extortion of trillions in wealth from the populace, maintain control through constant fear, and avoid scrutiny for their totalitarian aims. This is not a new phenomenon. The entire purpose of government is to FAIL–to serve as a straw man to which all accountability can be attributed but to which no punishment can be administered. look up the 'NENE' engine following WW2. Why was that technology given to the russians and what did they do with it. Learn this and you learn your answer. Patterns repeat because they work.


>>What if the program never ceased?


It didn't. It also used the common technology that was developed by A Q Khan as its designer. What year did Khan have is restrictions in Pakistan released? Who managed him? Who managed the Awan brothers?


>What other bad actors are possibly involved?


Libya was, but did not play along. NK. IRAN. Pakistan.


>>Did the U.S. know?


Through the clowns they not only knew, they provided technology, funding, and paramilitary support for security. This is to build a credible threat.


>>Where did the cash payments go?


Iran as a proxy. The easing of restrictions were also aimed and providing funding for the project.


>>How many planes delivered?


I do not know


>>Did all planes land in same location?


I do not know


>>Where did the U1 material end up?


Iran, then at the common nuclear production facility for enrichment. missle technology was funneled from the US to china–to NK–to the Syrian tech development group.


>>Is this material traceable?




>>Define cover.


Syrian civil war. ISIS was protection group funded and supported by the US C_A


>>What if U1 material ended up in Syria?


It did, to be enriched for nuclear weapons for IRAN, NK


>>What would be the primary purpose?


Create a credible third party threat.




The use of nuclear weapons against the US–likely by a "terrorist state" would allow for final and total control through suspension of the constitution and military control "for our defense". Once done, eradiation of non-compliant patriots could occur under the guise of protection.


>>In the movie, where did the material come from?


>>What country?


The US


>>What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?


The material would be traceable to its intermediaries. Russia would be implicated and would be ultimately blamed for arming the "enemies" that attacked us.




>>What does U1 provide?


The strawman/boogieman to divert attention away from the true culprits.


>>Define cover.


See above.


>>Why did we strike Syria?


To destroy the common production facilities.


>>Why did we really strike Syria?


Stop proliferation in hostile entities. To abort the SUM OF ALL FEARS.


>>Define cover.


Using the "gassing" of people–as justification to take out production facilities.


>>Patriots in control.

