Anonymous ID: 752ad9 Jan. 25, 2021, 6:04 a.m. No.12707068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7073


Yer logic is sound. I have been very grumpy and highly illogical, but the one question remains: what next? I cannot for the life of me see the advantage of the President knowingly allowing them to steal the election from the American people. Biden did not need 24 hours in office for his puppet master to pass every eo on the planet designed to utterly wreck this nation. Dominion smugly and pragmatically waited until after the occupier and his junta were installed to sue Giuliani for defamation with the full expectation of a kangaroo court, a show trial, vast hordes of corroborating evidence and testimony deemed in admissible and a sure guilty finding in favor of the “plaintiff.” This will seal the deal on the very real voter fraud being dismissed by every pundit on the planet as a “conspiracy theory” and further relegating us all to their narrative of us being whackos and insurrectionists. This, in turn, will bring all kinds of regulations to “prevent this kind of deception on the American people from ever happening again,” and will allow, yet again, the cabal to get away with murder. In this case the victim being the rule of law, freedom and the American Republic. I cannot see any way to undo this and believe me, I want to, desperately, be comfy.