You are exactly right anon. If Q was a psy-op against US and considering what our GREAT POTUS was doing, MAGA, the idea that Patriots would take up arms against the government is on it's face, ludicrous. If anything, Q ought to be on this board right now soothing, placating and psychologically easing US over to the sidelines. Telling US soon!! Booms coming etc……… because it is right fucking now with the Chyna bought and paid for Joe Biden and company and their full throttled push to revive and accelerate the 16 year plan that Patriots are watching. Very, very closely/
I don't know if Q will be back. I also don't know if the "Plan" is still in motion at this stage. But……………….It is hard to reconcile as to why POTUS would put in place the EOs, FEMA directives, the amendments to the USMJ and many other pieces of the puzzle if he was just going to walk away and be done with all of it. Knowing him, that makes absolutely no sense at all. So logic would dictates that "The Plan" is still in motion and a reckoning is coming for all of these filth. For now? Hold the fucking line and stay alert. If at some point here in the near future the communist backed regime in the White House and Congress begin to pass unContitutional legislation and re-implement their plans for this country there will be plenty of evidence, plenty of time to resort to the other. We are no where near that scenario at this juncture. As an aside, looks as though ANTIFA/BLM will oust these motherfucker before we can get our hands on them!!! kek