It is shared.
It is a conspiracy among groups.
Rothschilds controls it,
but they cannot operate without the other players:
The royal family of Britain/Privy Council/City of London/Bank of England
The Papacy/Vatican City/Vatican bank/il Mafiosi d'Italia
The Jewish Mob families
The royal families of Europe (what survived of the ten horns of the Dragon)
Certain elements of the Arabic world (not all)
the Marxist elements were created by the Rothschilds and the Vatican together.
by way of description in the Scriptures,
it was a Serpent,
and that Serpent is also called a "Dragon".
But those are allegories.
It was called a "Serpent" because when the Serpent spoke,
he spoke in "whispers",
as if hissing.
It is therefore referring to a characteristic of that being.
I suspect it may have something to do also with the new Tennis Pavillion
(how FLOTUS Melania spelled it,
the French way,
think Tennis Court Oath relative to the French Revolution when the Congress couldn't meet in the Senat,
then heads rolled).
It's the DC cathedral,
but yes,
it would hearken to Westminster Abbey,
to point to the Queen and the City of London,
both of whom are controlled by the Rothschilds.
It is NOT "God's house" as another anon stated.
The DC cathedral is NOT God's house.
By placing the artist in that location,
it is showing he is painting it.
What he is about to reveal,
is relative to the truth about that location,
that is,
DC and the "whole damn temple".
Christ was addressing the wolves dressed in sheep's clothing when He said,
Judge not,
lest ye be judged.
It has a context.
In contrast,
John the Apostle said,
Test all spirits.
That requires judging,
comparing that which they teach,
to that which is laid out by the original Apostles.
The tree that brought death by eating its fruit was called,
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
This means,
that an inert or good thing becomes evil in the mind of fallen Man.